
Town Square: 5 Ways Retailers Can Maintain A Safe and Healthy Workplace for Employees

Did you know barcode scanners can work through plexiglass sneeze guards? Read the latest Town Square Blog to learn safety measures to protect your employees and customers. We also shared information in @Helen's post about cleaning your Square Hardware in these FAQs.


A preview of the Town Square blog "5 Ways Retailers Can Maintain A Safe and Healthy Workplace for Employees". Click the link to read the full post!A preview of the Town Square blog "5 Ways Retailers Can Maintain A Safe and Healthy Workplace for Employees". Click the link to read the full post!


Read the full post here and check out Town Square, Square’s Business Resource Center.


What steps are you taking at your business to maintain social distancing for customers or to help employees follow safety measures? Click reply below to share your experience or sign in to like a reply.


P.S. We also partnered with American Express to make available a limited number of kits to reinforce physical distancing practices (they contain hand sanitizer and floor decals). Check out this post for more information: American Express Shop Small Promotion 2020.

️ Tom | he/him
Square Community Program Manager | Square, Inc.
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Message 1 of 2

Thanks @Tom for sharing this article!

There's a lot of great tips here and we've implemented a bunch of them!


Our employees wear masks and gloves at all times, and wash their hands frequently.


We've shifted to Pickup Orders through Online Orders only, set up a table outside of our walk up window to keep distance, in addition to a sheet of plexiglass on the window. 


There are some downsides of course, but it's worth it to be ultra cautious for the sake of safety!

Pesso - he/him
Pesso's Ices & Ice Cream
Square Super Seller - I'm here to help!
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