
Allow owners to grant permission to a team member to process Square Payroll

Allow owners to grant permission to a team member to process Square Payroll

Developer Community.  Could you add a feature that allows owners  to grant PERMISSION to a team member that will allow that members role to process your payroll, ie. PAY MY TEAM. I have made this request but need support from the SQUARE COMMUNITY.


The title of this thread has been edited from the original by a Community Moderator to help with searching threads.

1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: Can I add my Bookkeeper?

Hi @VirtualCathy! Welcome to the Seller Community. 🙂


This is currently a feature request. At this time, there is no way to grant permission to run payroll to any employees other than the Owner or an Administrator. We are also unable to give access to any employee group to only view Payroll.


I've also merged your post to an existing thread so we can keep all the feedback in one place. 


At the moment Square only allows the original account profile (Owner) to run payroll.  This limitation does not allow for Managers or other users to run payroll.  It woud be a very helpful feature to have for businesses who have managers who could administer the hours of each employee and run the payroll for them.  Please join me in requesting this feature be available in future Squareup updates by commenting your support below. 

Square Community Moderator

Hi @TacosNotWraps


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this!


Our Payroll team is actually aware of the interest with this request and they're tracking the role-based access to payroll features.


In particular, delegating running payroll to a payroll admin or designated manager just like you mentioned. 


I don't have an exact timeline on this, but if anything comes up I'll chime back in with an update 👍🏼

I would really like the ability to split privledges for everything on the  dashboard. Including, the ability to give certain employees acess to only Marketing & Loyalty programs as well as payroll.

Hey SQUARE Community. I'm not sure if anyone else is having this same challenge, but managing payroll, staff, and employee benefits has become an integrated part of the SQUARE platform. Please weigh in if you, the SQUARE COMMUNITY would like to be able to grant PERMISSION to a team member that will allow that members role to process your payroll, ie. PAY MY TEAM. I have made this request but need support from the SQUARE COMMUNITY.

Square Community Moderator

Hi @Geegee


I was able to get in contact with our API Team, and they informed me that this is a current feature request that they're keeping an eye on, as it's not possible at the moment. 


Hopefully we can pushed this up the priority list in the near future with more seller advocacy. 

Beta Member

I would also love this feature to be implmented!  If I had my managers pay the 1099's that they hire it would be a HUGE time saver!  Please make this happen ASAP!

Beta Member

YES!!  I would love this to happen

I run my payroll through Square. I'd like to add my bookkeeper to my Square account so she can easily see payroll reports for employees and differentiate payments to contractors. 

if I add her as a team member, what custom permissions do I give her in order for her to see the payroll reports she needs?

Square Community Moderator

Hi @VirtualCathy! Welcome to the Seller Community. 🙂


This is currently a feature request. At this time, there is no way to grant permission to run payroll to any employees other than the Owner or an Administrator. We are also unable to give access to any employee group to only view Payroll.


I've also merged your post to an existing thread so we can keep all the feedback in one place. 

Beta Member

Adding my hat to the ring! We have multiple locations and need each General Manager to be able to manage their HR needs.