
CheckoutPageUrl API doesn't make Order Number or mark as an Order in Square

So I've been flowing this example to help build a checkout page: https://github.com/square/connect-api-examples/blob/master/connect-examples/v2/php_checkout/checkout...

Overall it works great, but there are two big issues I'd love to fix and the API hasn't been helpful.

1. When an order email is sent, there is no Order Number. It literally says "You have a new order #" and then nothing. Not sure what I'm missing here to generate an order number.

2. How can I make these orders show up under Orders in my Square Dashboard? Right now they end up under Transactions and I can't add a tracking number to them.

I have tried adding some sort of Fulfillment information, but the API doesn't help me get the right language to set this (I keep getting PHP errors, not even API errors).

Sorry I'm somewhat new to this API and I'm not having luck reading the documentation for the actual terms I need to use to do this (setFulfillment? CreateNewFulfillment? I don't know!)

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Square Community Moderator

Hello @DeguArts and welcome back to the Seller Community!


I would like to take the opportunity to invite you to Square's Developer Portal and which you will the Developer Forums under the support section. 


I am sure you will have better luck posting this over there. Please let me know if you have any other non-API/support-related questions.

Community Moderator, Square
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