Delivery address for the Local Delivery

This post was created from a comment on the other thread. Also this post's title was updated by a moderator to reflect a change. The original author has been notified via email.


Hi, we have a shop in Japan and we have been using Square Online for a few weeks. We've been trying to use delivery option to no avail. It seems that every time a customer tries to input their address for delivery it's not recognized by the engine that powers the application...? So we can't us the platform at the moment. help please !


1 返信

Hi @GochisouPizza, thanks for reaching out!

For local delivery, customers will need to enter their full address including the lot number before they can select it from the suggested drop down.


In English                                                                   In Japanese

Screenshot 2021-01-26 at 16.46.35.pngScreenshot 2021-01-26 at 16.41.55.png















As a workaround, you can create a popup banner or announcement on your website regarding the address format so customers are aware when placing an order. I hope this helps!

間宮 −Mamiya
Square コミュニティ管理者
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