
I want to Grow my business

Hey SellerCommunity.com members, I operate a recording studio and am looking for effective strategies to sell my audio production services online. I believe there could be valuable insights from the e-commerce world that could benefit my recording business. Can anyone share tips on optimizing product listings, leveraging online marketplaces, or using digital marketing techniques to increase sales for a service-oriented business like mine? Your expertise in e-commerce could help me take my recording studio to the next level!

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Hi @james1510 thanks for your post. 


Here are some suggestions to help you grow your website traffic:

  • Spread the word: Tell your customers, family and friends about your site.
  • Optimise for search engines: Make sure people can find your website or items when they search online by following our Ultimate SEO Guide.
  • Update regularly: Keep your website content fresh with blog-style Stories to give visitors a reason to come back.
  • Use your social networks: Post your site to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, LinkedIn or other social networks whenever you update your content.
  • Promote your site: Add a link to your email signature, and include a link to your site when you post to forums or comment on articles.
  • Start an email newsletter: Use newsletter sign-up pop-ups on your site as a tool to bring visitors back to your website and continue email promotions with email marketing.
  • Get reciprocal links: Swap links with other websites that have a similar audience to drive free, qualified traffic. 

I hope you can get some ideas here ๐Ÿ™‚ 

Community Moderator, Ireland, Square
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