
Changes to Seller Community Labels and Tags

Hello Seller Community! 👋


We've updated out labels and tags within the Community so they make better use of both features. The way they should work is like this:


Tags: Just like in social media, tags tell you what the subject of a post is about. These will include most Square products and services plus a few other things.


Labels: These categorize the style, intent, or purpose of a thread. The list of labels is much smaller:



Square API,Square Appointments,Square App Marketplace,Square Customer Directory,Square Developer,Square Gift Cards,Square Hardware,Square Invoices,Square Inventory Management,Square Loans,Square Loyalty,Square Marketing,Square Messages,Square Online,Square Online Checkout,Square Payments,Square Payment Integrations,Square Photo Studio,Square Point of Sale,Square Reader,Square Reader for Magstripe,Square Register,Square Restaurant KDS,Square Restaurant POS,Square Retail POS,Square Savings,Square Stand,Square Team Management,Square Terminal,Square Virtual Terminal,Commerce,Customers,Integrations,Staff,Android,Dashboard,iOS,Orders,Reporting,Seller Community


Announcement, Conversation, Feedback, Guides & Tutorials, Product Update, Seller Community Events, Seller Resources, Tips & Tricks, Troubleshooting


To put this in a real-world example, if you wrote up a how-to guide on doing something in Square Online, you would tag it Square Online and label it Tutorials & Guides.


Note: These updates meant we removed a lot of existing labels. If you edit a post which has a now non-existent label, you’ll get a red warning message that the label doesn’t exist. To fix that, simply delete it from the list of labels added to the thread.


Questions or comments? Let me know with a reply below!

Gestora de la Comunidad de Vendedores / Seller Community Manager, Square
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