
Chargebacks from NON CHIP READER transactions

Square has allowed a bank to STEAL $165 from my account due to the fact that I ran the purchase with a client's CHIPED card on a SWIPER.    Square claimes that in order to not let banks do that, I have to BUY a chip reader or "access the virtual terminal" for processing these cards.    Its completely asinine that as a seller with square, we have to use different hardware which must be purchased just to prevent sales from being contested by banks.   I am furious at square and as a General Contractor who processes thousands of dollars Im beside myself and considering leaving square and finding new processing methods for BOTH of my businsses and the 50+ contractors who I have turned on to square inc.   


Message 1 of 3
Super Seller Alumni

@LOUISAGASPERSR, it's not Square. Any processor you choose will have the same rules. This requirement is to protect the credit card clients and comes from Visa/Mastercard. Here is some information to help you. https://squareup.com/emv?msclkid=0f7f14a88b2f167cbe484fb0d6cb89ad&pcrid=13797122556&pdv=c&pkw=+squar...


Message 2 of 3

@LOUISAGASPERSR , as has been mentioned already, this is a requirement from the card companies and is not due to Square's policies.


I think you will find, should you look at other options, that Square's hardware is *much* cheaper that the vast majority of other options out there, and their processing fees are also lower.


I understand how this must be an unpleasant surprise though. I was also frustrated at being "forced" to purchase additional hardware. But now that I've seen more of the playing field I understand it was for the best, and hope you can find peace with it soon as well.

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