
Create new item from existing item

Dear Square Team,


Thanks for your continued efforts to improve Square.  Please add the functionality to create a new item from an existing item.  In many cases, we sell similar items with slightly different specs which are not well-suited to variations as they do not allow our salespeople to most-quickly locate and sell an item.


For instance, we may sell a water pressure tank in a number of sizes.  The most ideal scenario is for each item to appear in the general item list and within specific categories, rather than our salespeople first clicking on "pressure tank" and then clicking on a specific type of tank.  This may seem like a small difference, but the same is true for ball valves (brass, copper and pex), fittings (90 and 45-degree in brass, copper and galvanized steel), submersible pumps with different outputs (5, 7, 10, 12, 13, 20 and 25gpm) and many, many more.


Perhaps this feature could be implemented with a simple right-click on an item or a button on the far-right of each item.  As you know, extra steps = extra time = poorer customer experience/greater chance for human error = less sales.  Please advise on this feature that would be quite helpful to our company and, I imagine, would be beneficial to other businesses...

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Super Seller Alumni

Great Idea.  You can do this now within a spreadsheet.  Export your library.  Copy the item row you want to duplicate.  Remove the token number and make any other adjustments.  Item name and sku must be different from the original.  Then reimport your library.  the item image is the only thing you will then have to add.

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