
Faster Way to Change Quantity?

Is there a way to quickly change quantities while I am checking out the customer?  It is pretty clunky to have to go to another page to adust quantities as the sale is being rung up.  Flipping back and forth is cumbersome.  If my customer orders 10 blocks, 5 couplers, 16 gloats, 3 pots, 5 pans, 2 dippers, and 12 hats, it takes forever to check out.  Can quantities be adjusted from the main sales page as the items are entered into the sale?


Message 1 of 10
1 Best Answer
Super Seller Alumni

Best Answer

Sounds like your are holding your iPad in portrait,  Hold it in landscape and your current sale list is always at the right.  This allows a single tap on the item to adjust quantity.  


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Message 6 of 10
Super Seller Alumni

Yea, I was thinking about something totaly different.  @VanKalkerFarms it correct.   If it is a single item you can just continually select the item.  So if they want 2 you just tap the item twice.  If it is an item that has variable items the popup window that allows you to select the option has a quantity box that you can adjust easily.  Shouldn't be any bouncing around or unneded opening of a window.



Message 2 of 10

Agreed it would work great if they only wanted two items.  With 10 or 30, not so much.

Message 3 of 10
Square Champion

ringing that up should only take a minute or less.  do you have just one price point for your items?  Does adding an item add it directly to the transaction or does it pop up a screen asking you to pick a price and adjust quantities?  If you have 2 price points on an item (the default one can be the right price and a second one blank) it will automatically pop up the add an item dialog which will allow you to adjust quantities right there.

Message 4 of 10

Thanks for responding.  Each of my items has a fixed price. Each item is filed under its respective catagory.  I select the catagory, then the item, then the app returns me to the main catagory page.  I have to go to the click on the "current sale" tab, then the item tab, then I am able to adjust quantity.  So my issue is that the adjustment is two pages away from where I started.  This morning I check out a customer who bought 40 nuts, 40 bolts, and 80 washers.  It is too much hassle to touch the item button 40 times while the customer is waiting.  I have to go two pages over and adjust the quantity.  I want to be able to select the quantity from the page where I am selecting the item; much the same way the grocery does when I buy 40 pickles, they don't scan the same pickle 40 times.  A minute or less doesn't sound like much time, but it's a minute of awkward silence while the customer watches me peck around on my ipad adjusting quantity.  It would be great if Square would allow some customization.  I should be able to customize my sales page with the information that is important to my business, and de-clutter the items I don't use.  A good example is the inventory option: its a great idea, but not much help if I can't see my item inventory as I am selecting the item, again I have to switch to another page to see this information.  

Message 5 of 10
Super Seller Alumni

Best Answer

Sounds like your are holding your iPad in portrait,  Hold it in landscape and your current sale list is always at the right.  This allows a single tap on the item to adjust quantity.  


Message 6 of 10
Square Champion

to make it so that it will automatically popup the inventory screen add a second price even if it is simply an underscore in the name field.  If there are 2 or more options the following screen will pop up automatically and you can simply type 40 in the quantity field or use the "+" and "-" buttons.







Message 7 of 10

Probably a valid work-around, but with thousands of items in the system, I sure would hate to take a weekend off just to put a faux price in the system for each item.  Thanks for the info.

Message 8 of 10

Thanks for this info.  It is the best solution so far.  Wish Square would allow customization so I could have the same information view from protrait mode.  Not a natural feeling to pass the ipad to the customer for signature when it is in landscape. 

Message 9 of 10
Beta Member


I had this same issue with selling choclate bars, etc - and to make it easy - I created a modifier that was called - ENTER QUANTITY and applied it to everything. Now, when we hit an item to be added, the modifier window opens and we hit add to sale if just one or change the quantity and then hit add.

James Wilkinson
Message 10 of 10