Beta Member

Implement Customer Profile with Magnetic Stripe Card?



As we get ready to begin our first membership push using Square, we are also looking into different Membership Card options. After some research, I figured it was best to ask the forum!


We expect to sell between 2,500 and 3,000 Memberships in the coming months. As for cards, we have thought about adding Magnetic Stripes to the cards.


Ideally, we would be adding magnetic stripes to the cards for the sake of bringing up customer info, plugging a customer into the order, to have an integrated reporting system (we will be using square at 4 locations where the membership is accepted) and keeping any of their purchases/credits on file.


Is there anything like this available through Square or any 3rd party affiliates?


Also, not sure if it matters, but we're using Square for WooCommerce for online stores as well.


Thanks in advance!




Customer A joins our membership. Customer A is then issued a magnetic stripe card that correlates with his customer info within Square. When Customer A comes to business, the card can be swiped to add him to sale and/or trigger modifiers (for instance, a member may automatically receive 50% off of product)

Message 1 of 3
Super Seller Alumni

Understand what you are looking at doing but NO, this will not work.  The square card reader is encripted and will not allow plain text to come through in the search field.  The only possible way this may work is with a barcode and scanner.  The barcode would have to be the customers phone number and the only way to use it would be in the Customer Phone number search box. Even this would need to be tested.


There would still be NO triggers it would just bring up the customer information.  You are looking for something far more involved then what Square has to offer at this time.  I am not aware of any third party app the will make this work.  If there is I want to know about it.

Message 2 of 3
Beta Member

Thank you for the response, saved me some serious time. I'm surprised Square hasn't yet come out with something like this, but that's just the way it is.


Thanks again!

Message 3 of 3