
New square stand 2022 with built in card reader.

Does it have to be plugged into an outlet to use it or can it be used as long as the Ipad had good charge?

Message 1 of 7
Square Champion

@SFA You do have to have the stand plugged in to a power source.


That being said, it is a usb-c connector on the bottom of the stand.  The power adapter and the USB Hub/USB-C output have a variable voltage/wattage/amperage.


Without know the exact usb-c spec, if you had a good variable output usb-c juice pack/battery pack, I don't see why you couldn't in theory hook use the stand out somewhere, but the ipad won't power the stand (I unplugged mine to double check and I use this to quickly reset the stand if I have a bug).

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Message 2 of 7

Thanks Donnie for confirming what I was told. I just could not believe it had to be plugged in and was hoping to use it at outdoor art fairs. Oh well, someday they will get it right. 🙂 

Message 3 of 7
Square Champion

You could get a Power Pack that stores power like a battery and then has 110 outlet on it if your in the US.

Something like this from Amazon:



Or if you have Dewalt Coedless tools:



Or if you use Ryobi cordless tools:



Just do a search for a Portable Power Bank or Portable 110 Inverter.  The big difference in these is how long it needs to supply power for the Ipad and Stand.  Since I use Dewalt tools and just came across the power bank option above that would be great for me since I have a bunch of the batteries already.  Just trying to give you some ideas for a small power supply for the Stand. 

Pocono Candle

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Message 4 of 7

Hello Keith, 


Thanks for all the great information. I have portable power at my booth to run my lights and fan if needed. So what you mention is indeed possible. I would rather have a self contained device though. I don't want to run a power cord across the floor area of my booth which I would have to do in my case. I have seen self contained devices at places like restaurants or the version store although they are handheld which I am not opposed to.  

Message 5 of 7
Square Champion

@SFA ;

Well Square has a Handheld device the Terminal : Terminal Link since you are not opposed to a handheld device.  I was just responding to getting Power to a Square Stand.  You could also just remove the Ipad from the Stand to use the Bluetooth reader and a Magnetic reader for the Ipad.  If you need to scan items I would do the Ipad route since its easier to connect a Bluetooth scanner to it than to the terminal from my understanding, but I could be wrong there.

Pocono Candle

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Square Support Number 855-700-6000.
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Message 6 of 7

I currently have an Ipad and the Bluetooth reader. I have had the Blue reader since it came out. I like the Ipad since it is easier for me to read inventory from it rather then a phone or the terminal. 

Message 7 of 7