
No Google and Apple Pay for digital items

I'm wondering why I can't accept Google and Apple pay for digital items.


Millions of people are using these forms of payment while less and less people are using paypal and people don't like crunching in credit card details.

When I ran my own Wordpress website I had all these things set up by woo commerce and so I don't understand why Square cannot offer this.

I think it's time that this was updated because my sales could be a lot higher if people could use their preferred method of payment. 

Helping sellers optimise their income should be a priority.

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Square Community Moderator

Hello, @phil-wilkinson 


Our engineers are aware of how the checkout flow behaves when non-physical items are being sold. It is in their road map to get this addressed in the near future.


Thank you for sharing your interest in this feature. In order to appropriately send these to our product teams we’d love it if you'd submit this request on our Ideate page for Square Online. Our team monitors these boards and we triage them to measure needs. You can search the boards to see if this has been requested before and add your use case if so!

Community Moderator, Square
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