
Search transactions on square register

I have just upgraded to the square register and am using square retail.  I was previously using my iPad on a square stand and was able to look up transactions by scanning the barcode in the bottom of receipts, by customer name or phone number as well as receipt number etc. On the square register I can only look up by receipt number which is a huge downgrade.  I don’t understand why the change as I am using the same Square For Retail system.  Anyone else experiencing this?

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Super Seller

Hello @aorfei and thanks for your post. I'm sorry you're having trouble with your register. I'm curious about the barcode printing on your receipts. I'd like that feature, but maybe that is a feature of Square for Retail vs. regular POS system? (not sure).  Under the transaction area on the register, you can only search by the receipt number typed in...but if you know the customer and they are in your directory, you can do into your customer dashboard, find their name, and scroll to see their recent transactions. Maybe this will help locate some of what you're looking for?

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