
Square Reader SDK - Self-Service Terminal?

Hi Square Support & Community,


I'm a developer who'd like to implement an unattended self-service solution with the new Square Reader SDK, but I noticed that it very clearly states this is not allowed in the SDK terms. While I'm aware that the SquarePOS API is an alternative, a fully branded experience is critical to my project.


Interestingly, a self-service solution is presented in one of the case studies (Shake Shack + Fuzz).


Would someone from Square be able to explain why this is not permitted? I am very much looking forward to using Square, and hope someone can provide clarification.




Message 1 of 5
1 Verified Answer
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Re: Square Reader SDK - Self-Service Terminal?

Hello @Matt_W Reader! Thanks for you interest in using the Square Reader SDK.


I shared your post with an API Specialist who confirmed that at this time our hardware and software are not currently suitable for an unattended payment scenario, such as a vending machine or unattended kiosk. Please make sure that your payment terminal is only available during business hours and is within line-of-sight of employees at all times.


You can also visit the Reader SDK Overview for a complete overview of Square's Reader SDK.


If this changes in future we'll update this post to alert you of the fact. Thanks for your patience in the meantime.


This comment has been merged from another thread and the author of this post notified via email. 


I'm looking to use my Square Terminal as a self-serve Kiosk for customers and clients to be able to swipe cards at our location without our assistance. Is there a way to mount an iPad with a swiper while ensuring no equipment is at risk of being stolen? Thinking along the lines of equipment and hardware (mounts, locks, etc.) Or alternative swipers

Message 2 of 5

Hello @Matt_W Reader! Thanks for you interest in using the Square Reader SDK.


I shared your post with an API Specialist who confirmed that at this time our hardware and software are not currently suitable for an unattended payment scenario, such as a vending machine or unattended kiosk. Please make sure that your payment terminal is only available during business hours and is within line-of-sight of employees at all times.


You can also visit the Reader SDK Overview for a complete overview of Square's Reader SDK.


If this changes in future we'll update this post to alert you of the fact. Thanks for your patience in the meantime.

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 3 of 5

The website and demo for the self service kiosk are now available. Please send me a private message for details.


Thank you,


Scott Richmond.

Message 4 of 5

What is the name and cost for this self serve kiosk?

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