
Square for Homeschool Group "billing"

I use Square for my billing to individual client projects. Easy to use, makes sense and works great. I have a client that is a small homeschool group (about 100 families). They have a website that highlights what they do and we have a form for new people to sign up to join. So, here are my questions:

  1. There is a small fee for joining (about $35) and renewing membership (about $25 per family). I would like to have a way that renewal is an item and joining is an item. I have NEVER worked with the Square Store... Is this possible and would I have to create store separate from the site to send them to for payment processing - aor could it be done on the WordPress website?
  2. The group takes field trips, do unit studies (like Chemistry), etc - which have associated costs to participate. Could I create such things as purchaseable items that would track WHO paid? And like now, I can reeive a check or cash - and go back and let Square know the bill was paid... is there a way to create a master list of participants and flag who paid online, in cash, etc?

Any help with this would be GREATLY appreciated! Trying to help them find the most cost effective solution possible.


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