
Square is great for me as a company, not so much for my clients

The information available to clients and customers needs back end designing.  As a professional service company my clients can have multiple appointments per month and make multiple purchases in any given month.  I can access this, their past and future appointments, their purchases, but they can't.  I have about 98 clients I see 1-2 times per week.  I spend hours taking screenshots and having to change appointments because the text doesn't identify the appt date, they have to go thru each one.  Thw directory doesn't recognize my clients and for EACH appointment they have to repeat ALL entries.  This is ridiculous.  The same info for their purchase history and all their appointments should be easily seen and the ability to register and perform all functions without repeatedly entering their information is needed.

Message 1 of 6

Welcome to the seller community, @totallyorganize, and thanks for your post.


Sorry to hear about the issues with appointment history. I went to have a closer look into this and the booking confirmation text should include the date and time of the appointment. The client should be able to view more details (e.g. location and service) by tapping on the link that's included with the text as well. In addition, they'll have the option to add the appointment to their personal Google or Apple calendar—I would suggest asking them to do that, if they're able.


If this doesn't help clear things up, can you reply with a bit more information on what may be preventing them from being able to add the appointment to their personal calendar or track on their own? I would like to share those details with our Appointments Team as well as point out how a client portal that allows them to sign in and view all of their activity would be helpful.


️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
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Message 2 of 6

A good example is a recurring appointment.  Square doesn't send a text confirmation until right before the appointment that week.  But if my client wants to cancel a recurring appointment in May right now, they can't.  I have to do it.  


Additionally, I spend alot of time merging clients, and when I merge I lose appointments, if they don't merge the content.  The delimited text about what merged and what didn't doesn't include which appointments it didn't merge.


I'm booked solid, so my clients will book a year in advance.  Not a bad problem to have unless you use Square appointments.  They don't keep the text or email for a few months. They sometimes don't remember the appointments they made and I AM the only person that can sync the calendar to my google.  My clients can't do that on their phones or computers.  They don't have an acoount created with Square appointments, only I do.


There is no directory recognition, so its a bit of a dead shell in terms of customer interface.  I think this is ok for a hair stylist who only sees someone every 6-8 weeks, but for consultants and the like who see people 3-4 times per week and take frequent payments its very frustrating that they can't see their appointments, that they have no "account" with Square to back reference their experience with my company.  This would be invaluable to me and to my clients, because even though I have Square Appointments, I have about 40 issues a day responding to clients trying to manage appointments they can't see in one place, like I can.  


It seems like an easy fix to take that interface that shows me my clients appointment history and upcoming appointments, and to also create a smarter directory so that each time they schedule an appointment they don't have to repeat entry of every single bit of info.


Love the simplicity of square, just need this other side of it fixed to serve my customers better and reduce my time getting involved and fixing the calendar.  

Message 3 of 6

Thanks for circling back and taking the time to share more, @totallyorganize. I can see how length of time and volume of your customers poses some challenges for getting reminders to work effectively with your business needs. I don't have any additional workarounds that I can offer at this time, but I have shared your posts with our Appointments Team. In addition I made sure to illustrate that many of these issues could be resolved by offering a client login & appointment management option.


We'll return to this thread with any developments or workarounds that may be helpful for these kinds of needs. Thank you for your patience as we're always iterating based on seller feedback!

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
Find step-by-step help in our Support Center
Message 4 of 6

We need to concur.  Requiring customers to re-key ALL CONTACT INFORMATION is a non-starter.  Our customers have on average 8-10 appointments a month (so several a week)...sometimes more.  It makes no sense to require them to re-key their name, email, etc.  Further, they tend to make future appointments in bulk, so they would need to re-key this repeatedly in a single session.  Crazy!

Message 5 of 6

I would suggest your team look at the mindbody app the configuration of this app to be able to book appointments, buy session packages and track appointments and remaining sessions, then buy in one location/one app?  Amazing!!!  The problem I have with it is it is a one stop shop for yoga and pilates, all the companies in the area are listed with proces.  My pricing would be coerced down just by the ability to one stop shop.  If square could duplicate the session package and tracking viewable to the client by logging into THEIR account that would work, their ability to see when and what they bought, sessions done in past, sessions in future booked and total remaining sessions.  You are missing out on an incredibly sized set of industries that sell packages of sessions, I've been making these suggestions for over a year now and it doesn't seem like tech support is listening as I have seen multiple same comments from others.



Message 6 of 6