
Inputting 3rd party delivery when payments don't transpire for days

I use Square retail for a small cafe/coffee shop.  I use a few 3rd party delivery services and am struggling with the best way to input and reconcile the information with Square.  Both 3rd party companies have different pricing than what is in my system.  I have been inputting with zero cost and tracking only quantity and not $$$.  Does anyone else have a system that works?  I also use Quickbooks which is why I have the transactions come over as zero.  Do you do something different?

Message 1 of 4

Looking for the same answer!

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Square Community Moderator

Hey @PerkyCup and @csfuchs,


It might be worth reaching out to Quickbooks for assistance here. Hopefully some other Square sellers can share some insight into how they work around third party delivery services as well!  



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In case anyone else runs into this issue - Quickbooks is useless. 

However, I did hire a QBO Bookkeeper outside of QBO and she knows her stuff!  I no longer import Square transactions.  I enter a Daily Sales Receipt each day (mirrors information from Sales Summary and Balance transfers).  The 3rd party is reflected on here.  I have a category that is for 3rd party receivables.  When a 3rd party order comes in we enter the transaction in Square so the tickets print in the kitchen, they have no value $ per sale.  I manually enter the days totals $ at the end of the shift so I know it's 100% accurate. 

Still waiting to see how we will account for the 25-35% reduction for fee's and how to reconcile the fees charged versus income received.  When I receive payment, I deposit it to the reconcilliateion account, no problem. 

Clear as mud.


I wish I could say it was simple, it wasn't.  It is correct, and I am slowly beginning to understand how the Daily Sales Receipt works (mostly).  I had a real mess with thousands of square tickets duplicated in QBO, had to delete the darn things one at a time.  Will not integrate QBO and Square again.

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