
Auto-generated barcode for labels

Auto-generated barcode for labels

Would you be able to create auto-generated barcodes for labels on items that don't have barcodes? Right now, we have to create the item, then go to a website that generates random eight-digit numbers, plug in that number for the item SKU, save the item and then create the labels. This is cumbersome and time-consuming. We previously used Shopkeep, and you could simply go into any item, select print labels, and then Shopkeep would auto generate a label with a barcode. This was incredibly helpful, and I'm sure other Square users would find it beneficial. Thanks!

Square Community Moderator

Hey @Unionmarketrva,


I definitely see how that could be cumbersome. I checked in with our Retail team and they said this would be a feature request.


I've passed it along to them so hopefully other sellers chime in here and this will be something we can offer in future improvements!

Thanks, Ashley! I hope Square's able to roll out this feature soon.

I would second this motion.  I would love for Square to auto generate barcodes for items that do not have barcodes.


I'd like to see this feature added.  I'm just getting started moving our entire shop over to square from shopify.  Shopify definitely had it's challenges but one thing they did have nailed was auto gen for bar codes integration.




Yeah, I hear ya and I agree that auto generated bar-codes would make creating items easier. 


Thanks for adding your vote. Hopefully we roll out this feature in the near future. 



Beta Member

Following this thread...I need this, as well, as I have thousands of items and not really interested in dropping another grand/year on another app. Have you heard anything from Square?


No news yet but we'll update this thread when we learn more. Thanks for your continued patience. 





Beta Member

We would also benefit from this functionality. This is fairly standard in most POS/Inventory systems so wouldn't see any reason for Square not to add this to the development roadmap.

We would also love to have this feature.  It's much needed!  Thanks!