
Upload checks

Super Seller

Upload checks

Not sure if I am in the right spot but wondering if we are any closer to being able to upload checks/digital checks for square checking? My traditional bank that I keep for this option is down once again and no projected date to be back up and running. I am finding myself in Michigan retail furniture store with my customers now using more cash and now checking more than ever! We usually operate around 75% ish debit/credit and now it’s is close to the opposite. I am a chamber of commerce member and I have found out it’s not just me other businesses are as well. We are in I would say an older community and I don’t know if this recent talks of 600.00 in the bank has them shopping different or what. Unfortunately, they don’t understand how or if that will happen and how it works all they hear is 600.00 and IRS and run with it. If I have missed anything with being able to upload a check please let me know. I do have 2 credit cards that have the option so I’m not complete stranded!