
Adding buy and view cart buttons to a website

I use square mainly for shows that I go to - but I would like to add buy buttons to my website. Set up so if a customer wants to purchase more than one item a cart is created for them. 


In the past I used paypal - but in redoing the website - it seems I can no longer create a view cart button. 


Is there a way to create add to cart buttons for individual items as well as a view cart button that can be used on another website - or is my only option to create a storefront with Square Online and link to it. 

I use Yahoo's Site Builder for my website and having something I can just copy and paste is what I'm looking for - I don't do coding and can't afford to have a site professionally done. 

Message 1 of 3

To add a buy or view cart button on your website, you'll need to work with a developer


If you don't have a developer, starting a Square Online Store is the most ideal. But you might be interested in Checkout links which allows your customers to purchase your items individually online without creating an Ecommerce website. 



Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 3

New follow up question to this- So if we have 10 different items on our website, there is no way using Buy Buttons for customers to buy 2 of these and 1 of those before making their purchase?  They'd need a cart of some kind.  I cannot believe there are no sample pages anywhere that we can see how it would work.  


Message 3 of 3