
How can I manually create orders on Square?

The title of this thread has been edited from the original: Manual Orders


Hi. I am new to Square having switched from Shopify and I have set up my website. I was hoping to use it as I did Shopify and manually add orders and take cash payments on delivery. Is this possible with Square? 

Thanks Helen x

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Hey @Helandy65 - this isn’t really a feature built in, but the POS app does support doing this! 

In your settings, go to the orders section & turn on order creation. Under open tickets, make sure this is turned on too. 

Then when you’re putting a sale into the app you’ve got the option to ‘Schedule’ with will lead you through adding a customer, collection or delivery & all the stuff you’d normally get when they do an online order. I’ve just double checked & after this you can then save it as a ticket - so close out the ticket when they actually pay (card/cash/kisses). This will keep your books right & hopefully work out perfectly for keeping all the orders in one place. 

this way it should also show in the order manager with all your online orders too. 

Pizza Is Chill

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Hi Helen, thanks for your post and welcome to the Seller Community 🙂 


Sorry for the delay with this. Currently with Square Online, online orders will only be accepted after a card payment has been processed. 


If you could give me a little more detail about how your set up worked with Shopify, I'd be happy to try and think up some work arounds. 


With your previous set up, how were you recieving order from your customers? Did they order through your site, or a different way and then you inputted it through the site yourself? 


I'll keep an eye out for your reply! @Helandy65 



Community Moderator, Ireland, Square
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Hi Alegra


Thank you for your reply.


Previously, I received order through the website (which presumably will be the same with Square) but then I would get either order direct from Facebook etc or friends and family would verbally give me orders. I liked to log them onto Shopify 1 - so I didn't forget to do the order and 2 - all my sales would be logged in the same place. These orders were paid via cash or bank transfer and not by card.


I would be interested to see if there is anything I can do as I am really happy with the way the website looks with Square


Thanks 😀

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Square Champion

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Hey @Helandy65 - this isn’t really a feature built in, but the POS app does support doing this! 

In your settings, go to the orders section & turn on order creation. Under open tickets, make sure this is turned on too. 

Then when you’re putting a sale into the app you’ve got the option to ‘Schedule’ with will lead you through adding a customer, collection or delivery & all the stuff you’d normally get when they do an online order. I’ve just double checked & after this you can then save it as a ticket - so close out the ticket when they actually pay (card/cash/kisses). This will keep your books right & hopefully work out perfectly for keeping all the orders in one place. 

this way it should also show in the order manager with all your online orders too. 

Pizza Is Chill

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Ooh thanks I'll give this a try - thanks 😁

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