New: Insights and automation notifications in Square for Retail
New: Insights and automation notifications in Square for Retail

Hi Seller Community!


We’ve launched notifications in Square Dashboard that will recommend faster workflows, and provide insights on sales and inventory trends.


New insights in Square for Retail will offer suggestions on how to:

-Drive more revenue - such as adding online sales channels

-Manage inventory better - such as noting items with high returns or slow sales 

-Streamline workflows - such as using GTIN/UPC to pull in item details 

You’ll see notifications in your Dashboard when subscribed to Square for Retail Plus or Square for Retail Free.  Each insight will have actionable instructions, but you can dismiss or disable them in your Dashboard here.


This new Insights feature is part of a larger tool set in development by the Square for Retail team, to help automate and identify trends to save you time and money.


Captura de Pantalla 2021-12-07 a la(s) 1.58.20 p. m..png


Let us know if these insights are helpful, and what other types of automation you’d like to see.