Square Marketing Update - Measure Sales Driven by Facebook Ads
Square Marketing Update - Measure Sales Driven by Facebook Ads

Welcome to Square Marketing product updates! We’ll be keeping you up to date with new marketing tools and features as they become available. We’re always working to make it easy to market your business and show the return on your investment. If this sounds interesting to you, subscribe to receive email notifications each time we publish a post.

Exciting news! We’ve recently added the ability for you to track in-store sales made by customers who saw your ad on Facebook. We’re hoping this will help you more fully close the loop between what you spend on marketing and your sales.

With the Square Marketing product, you can create email and Facebook campaigns to entice existing buyers and Facebook fans to return to your business. Now, you’ll be able to attribute sales to each specific campaign as result of an integration we launched with the Facebook Ads platform.


For example, say you ran an ad for 15% off of a bouquet of roses on Facebook. With this new feature, you’ll know how many of your customers came in and bought flowers from you after viewing your promotion on Facebook – even if they didn’t use your 15% off coupon. There’s no additional setup involved; you’ll automatically get access to this valuable data.


Sounds great! Where can I find this info?

The Campaign Report page now shows total revenue generated from each marketing campaign, including in-store transactions and coupon redemptions, as well as those that came in after seeing the Facebook Ad from the given campaign. 


Here’s what the updated report page looks like:

pasted image 0 (1).png

We hope this new feature helps you make great decisions to grow your business. If you have any questions about Square Marketing, start a new thread here on the Seller Community!


Talk to you soon,
The Square Marketing Team