Square Point of Sale Now Supports CAS SW-RS and CAS PD-2Z Scale on Android Devices
Square Point of Sale Now Supports CAS SW-RS and CAS PD-2Z Scale on Android Devices

We’re happy to announce that you can now connect the CAS SW-RS scale or the CAS PD-2Z to your Android phone or tablet or to Square Terminal (Hub for Square Terminal required). Connect this scale via USB to get weight readings automatically and check out your customers faster. 


To connect your scale correctly, you must use the latest version of the Square app (version 5.43) on an Android device. To use this scale with Square Terminal make sure you are running SQUID version 4.10. Also, please ensure that you have correctly set up items to sell by weight.


To connect CAS SW-RS scale to your device:


  1. You will need a particular USB serial cable to connect the scale to your device. The 9-pin RS-232 male side plugs into the port on your scale, and the USB-A male side plugs into a hub for your device.

  2. To check the connection, open the Square Point of Sale app and tap the three horizontal lines on the navigation bar.

  3. Tap Settings > Scale.

  4. The connected scale should appear as “USB Scale” in that menu. If you do not see the scale name appear under Settings, please check the connection between your scale and relevant cables, or accessories. 


To connect the CAS PD-2Z scale to your device:


  1. You will need a USB-B to USB-A cable to connect the scale to your device. The USB-B male side plugs into the port on your scale, and the USB-A male side plugs into a hub for your device.

  2. To check the connection, open the Square Point of Sale app and tap the three horizontal lines on the navigation bar.

  3. Tap Settings > Scale.

  4. The connected scale should appear as “USB scale” in that menu. If you do not see the scale appear under Settings, please check the connection between your scale and relevant cables, or accessories.


To disconnect either scale, simply disconnect the cable. Keep in mind, you can only pair one USB scale with your device at a time. 



Are any other scales supported?

Yes! The Brecknell 6700U series is also compatible with Android devices (connect to your device via USB).


What scale can I use if I have an iOS device?

Update October 2020: Square now supports Brecknell 6700U and CAS SW-RS Scales on Square StandNot sure which iPad model you have? Identify your iPad here.