Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) available with Square for Retail
Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) available with Square for Retail

Hello retailers and shop owners! I'm excited to share an update that you can now upload both UPC or EAN and SKU values to your Item Library. 🎉


This functionality is now available with the addition of Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) support within Square for Retail and Square for Retail Plus on the devices listed below:

  • iPad
  • iPhone (with online Square Dashboard)

Screenshot 2020-12-14 at 13.04 1.png


Please Note: Scanning of GTINs is not available with Square Point of Sale, Square Terminal, or Virtual Terminal at this time.


How does it work?

Going forward, you have the option to associate GTINs with item variations created in-app and through the online Square Dashboard, on top of the existing option to add SKUs. You can do so by entering the details manually through your Item Library, or importing the information via CSV

GTINs are used to identify trade items and products throughout the supply chain and are typically 8, 12, 13 or 14 digits long. Learn more about GTINs and the types commonly associated with businesses in our Support Centre: Square for Retail: SKU vs GTIN.


For a step-by-step guide and illustrations on how to set this up, have a look here: Using GTINs with Square for Retail.

Thank you for your patience and feedback as we continue to improve our products! Don't hesitate to reply below with any questions, and let us know how it goes.


This post was updated on 21 December to reflect that EAN is also supported with Square for Retail.