
Drawer Report Export and Payout Export

Drawer Report Export and Payout Export

Looking for an export option for the Drawer Report. This is a fantastic feature already on the square but without an export option it is painful. Being able to just export that info to be used in our filing would be amazing for businesses like mine that do daily payouts. I found a post about it from 2017 in the forum and people are still asking for it today.



I've been driving myself nuts trying to reconsile the square daily report with bank deposits, and figured out a couple things I could really use some help with if anyone knows a solution.

1) I can't export the cash drawer report for the month - at least I could use that report to correct the cash deposit amount being entered from expected to actual which would save me a huge amount of time.

2) On the sales report, the actual amount of the credit card deposits aren't netted out (credit card charge, less square fee) so that amount also doesn't match. 


This means to create a daily deposit entry in my bookkeeping system (Quickbooks Pro) I have to access Sales/Reports/Sales Summary each day for discounts, refunds and tips; then Sales/Reports/Item Sales for individual category sales; then Sales/Cash Drawers, for each day to get paid outs, actual cash deposit, and over/short, then Sales/Deposit for the net deposited credit card sale. 


It's a lot of hunt and pecking for what I would think would be a report every bookkeeper would be wanting. 


Yes I've tried Quickbooks Sync. It imported each sale as an individual invoice, making corrections near impossible. There was no function for summary import only, or total category sales, or anything that made it easier. And of course, theres nothing imported for the cash drawer, so it's a real mess.


Does anyone have a better plan or idea out there? 

Hello @RondaLove welcome to the Seller Community! 🎉 This is a great question and I would be happy to provide clarification! 


Currently you will not be able to export the Cash Drawer report from the Square Dashboard. We will pass this feedback along to the product team. I see how this could be helpful for correlating reports. 


To answer your second question we do have a sales report that displays the net total of card sales. You can access this report from the Square Dashboard.

  1. From the Dashboard select Sales.
  2. Under this sub-tab select Payment Methods.
  3. This will populate all of the net card transactions for the month.
  4. You can have a summary CSV of this report by clicking export in the top right.

If you are having trouble with Intuit QuickBooks and Square, I would recomend contacting their support team. Currently Intuit does not offer sales summaries, but it is something that is on their roadmap. 


If you have any other questions please let me know! 😀

Thank you for replying Chad. I've set up with CommerceSync which does allow for summaries. They don't do the cash drawer and over and short though, so being able to print that out would still be incredibly helpful.

I have also been trying to figure out how to download the cash drawer report.  It would be a really great feature to have to try to figure out if/where the issues are.


I also would love a way to export the cash drawer report. *any* report I generate should be downloadable. with no way to download this report I have no means of accessing my paid in and paid out amounts, nor the notes accompanying them without doing a tedious day-by-day review and totaling associated amounts. 

Its been well over a year since this request. It is extremely important for businesses that do a lot of cash sales to be able to export this in a report. There is exports for pretty much everything else, why not this?

I have been manually typing out these cash-out values into a spreadsheet so I can finish my accounting for years.  Why is this so hard to export!?!  It's a f'n table, please include export functionality.  

Beta Member

I recently (June) migrated our legacy POS (14 years) to Square and the inability to produce sales/drawer summary was greatly missed. I have recently completed coding of a small web app that uses the Square APIs to generate the desired reporting (actually creates a Quickbook import file as well). I have now been able to settle my QB for the past 4 months with little issue. I am still finding a few anomalies but nothing major so far. It would be great if Square would provide a report/export that has this needed summary.




Thanks- as in the other post today, happy to pass this to our Development team. 

Is square dev team working on this?