
Creating a MANUAL Return Item

When we first signed up with Square; we were disappointed that there was not the ability to create a manual return item - that we can only do a return on an actual transaction.


For example, we sell soda in returnable bottles. When the customer returns the bottle - they receive .50 back for the bottle deposit.


On Shopkeep - we had an Item Button for the "Bottle Return .50"; and were able to create a manual return and attach it to this button.  Now, we have to have a post-it note sitting by the cash register and make little tally marks on it.


Anyone else here having similar issues?

Message 1 of 25

Any updates?  We need this as well for returned kegs to give back our customers their deposits.

Message 22 of 25
Beta Member

Is there any updates on this feature?  It's surprising to me that some of the simplest things are not available with the Square POS.  Bottle/Can deposits are not an uncommon tax.  Is there a way to add a tax that is by amount, not percentage? 

Message 23 of 25
Square Community Moderator

Unfortunately, we don't have an update on this feature request, @Starving_Artist, but I'll surface this feedback with the team for consideration. 

Message 24 of 25

So I came to the support forum today because of this. So here we have bottle returns and alot of customers return them at the same time as buying something else, but at times they also just return them. We are using the workaround of a discount button for bottle returns and refund by amount for when someone just returns empties. We use the discount because it's a pain to do a payout for 5 cents when all they want to do is apply it to their purchase. However there's a problem we noticed. If we use a discount key for bottle returns. Say they bring in $3 in empties and they buy a couple of items. One being cigarettes or that's what they want to apply the bottle returns to. The discount gets spread between the items including cigarettes. And according to the owner it's illegal to discount cigarettes in this state. So if someone from the state does an audit and sees discounts on cigarettes we get in trouble. So their really needs to be a way to do bottle return easily and not as a discount.

Message 25 of 25