
Does anyone use the Square register for a laundromat or dry cleaner?

I own a laundromat and have a specific software that we currently use and since we began using Square for processing credit cards and sending invoices, we thought we might get the Square POS register as well. We just received it and are trying to set it up but it is not really user friendly to create tickets. Our customers mostly pay upon pick up (at the shop) or upon delivery (we deliver as well), so we are trying to figure out how to create their tickets and print them with the customer name and address on them. Is the information printed on tickets customizable?


Also, is the only way to create multiple users with individual log in codes to pay for "employee management"? I already pay for payroll and for credit card processing. It would be frustrating to have to pay for something else. 

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Square Champion

Message 2 of 3
Beta Member

We have been using square for 2 1/2 years now, its far from perfect, if you have been using dry cleaner software in the past, it will be a bit of a learning curve.
We use tear tickets ordered from Cleaner Supply since the Square POS can not print tags for sorting clothes.
We also do pay at pickup, we use the Open Tickets option found in the settings on the square app.
There is no way (that I know of) to get a customer full info (address and phone number) to print on the tickets, it will be name only.
If you want to have multiple employees logins, you will have to pay for that with Square.
The Square stand uses USB equipment , so odds are you will need a new printer and cash drawer to complete the switch over to only using Square.
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