
Find the full number code of the eGift Cards folks have bought?

Hi! I can't seem to find the full code number of the eGift Cards folks have bought. Can anyone please help? I'd like to add them to our booking engine so folks can actually use them.

Message 1 of 53
1 Best Answer
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Wanted to provide an updated  Best Answer to this thread as the previous one is a little bit outdated. 


At this time the ability to export full gift card number (Full PAN) is limited to Square Sellers that are looking to export their gift cards or migrate their gift cards to another vendor.  The reason for this decision is that when this setting is enabled on your account it allows anyone that has Dashboard access to export this report that includes all the gift card numbers and balance available and it becomes a risk to the Seller's business. 


If you still require and have a particular need to get this report then it would need to be escalated by the support team and only the Account Owner would be able to request such escalations (Mangers or Authorized Representatives cannot request it).  When requesting it you should ask for permission to "Export Gift Card PANs" 


I hope this information is helpful and brings clarity to this topic. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 49 of 53

I just got off the phone with CS and they explained that it is a security thing because, if the "gift card number CSV" is enabled, then anyone with access to the dashboard (for me, that includes many of my employees) would have access to all of the gift card numbers.  They wanted to make sure this was ok before enabling it, and did it right away when I told them it was fine.  It took only a couple of minutes.

Message 22 of 53

That's crazy. I spent 53 minute on phone a few weeks ago with someone who wanted me to deactivate my account so they could enable that feature for me. With hesitancy I asked if that would mess up my account, pos, website etc. because I was getting ready to open my shop about an hour later. After more research he said yes it would completely deactivate it and would be unusable for some time. He said he would escalate the issue and I should hear back through email. Never heard anything. 


You don't happen to know who exactly you talked to do you?

Message 23 of 53

I believe her name was Lauren.  I just told her that I needed the "gift card numbers csv" export to be enabled so that I could get the full gift card numbers.  After she made sure I knew the risk of having that information on the dashboard, she did it right then.  Now if I could only figure out a way to accept square gift cards on my WooCommerce site.

Message 24 of 53

Gotcha. Thanks I'll give it another try when I have time. Thanks for responding. Wish I could help. But I switched to Shopify. Theirs is really easy to enter gift card numbers into. 

Message 25 of 53

Hello, I am having this same issue. I need to retrieve the full Gift Card PAN and have access to the Gift Card Numbers CSV. However, when I go to Reports > Gift Cards > Export > it only gives me options for Summary CSV and Detail CSV.


How can I get this feature enabled? 


I'm very confused why this feature wouldn't be immediately available to me, as the Seller of the Gift Card and Owner of the Business.


Thank you!!!

Message 26 of 53
Square Community Moderator

Hey there @CBnesting


I get your point here however most of our Seller share their dashboard with team members or partners and as a security measure we have decided to not have the full PAN of Gift Cards on your dashboard for the security of your business and ours as well. 


At this time if you need to get access to the Full PAN of your current Gift Cards I would suggest you get in touch with our Support team for them to assist with this request.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 27 of 53

I don’t think you’re understanding as I’m sure we prob all already have tried to work with customer service and it’s a dead end bc they say they can’t do anything. 

They will not give out the numbers no matter how many times you say you own the business and are the only employee. Their work around is to email yourself the GC. Bc that whole process takes time logging in and trying to get the correct GC while checking out a client and cleaning and getting ready for the next client. I think the company fails to understand time constraints people have. Other software systems allow you to look up GCs by a person’s name, date and other info to get the GC, but we don’t have that option. 


So I’m politely asking, what do you think customer service will do differently now? 

Message 28 of 53
Square Community Moderator

I was able to confirm that Sellers are only able to request access to full gift card numbers if they intend to migrate their gift cards to a different vendor.


I will pass your feedback over to our product team for their visibility and consideration when making updates to the Gift Card product and reporting. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 29 of 53

I hear you. It shouldn't be hidden and there are steps that should give you access to the reports. Let me know what Support says or if you need help after. I can always take a look at the case once it's filed. 🙂

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 30 of 53

So is this something I have to do or are you forwarding it on?  And if I have to do it, how do I?  I got nowhere with the reps on the phone. 

Message 31 of 53

It doesn't bring up a window for you to inquire?

I had inquired through that link and they fixed my account so that the third export option of "Gift Certificate Numbers" showed up for me instead of just the summary and csv.

Message 32 of 53
Beta Member


If we sell a Square eGift Card (not physical) at the register how do we see all 16 digits of the gift card? I know it's emailed to the customer, but who do WE see it?


I can see the last four but no more than that and it won't print a paper ticket at any point with the full number. How do I get this? We want to be able to write down the full number. 


I've looked before checkout, after checkout, on receipts, etc. 


I've attached a picture showing the last 4: And it shows 4 digits here but I can't find all the digits anywhereAnd it shows 4 digits here but I can't find all the digits anywhere


Message 33 of 53
Beta Member

Hi, I could really use some insight in this and/or answers! Thanks!
Message 34 of 53
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @vickyaustin 👋 Thanks for reaching out again here on the Seller Community! Good to hear from you again.


Before I answer your posting, it's helpful to know you can reach out directly to our Support Team for expedited help with your account. The Seller Community usually offers a 48 hour turnaround response due to volume. 


I've gone ahead and merged your post into an existing thread of Sellers who also inquired about the full numbers of customer eGift cards. Take a look at this Best Answer from Justin - he will point to the direct process for exporting. I will also note that this process has caused some irregularity for some Sellers, like you will see in Justin's post. If you have extended trouble, our Support Team is standing by!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 35 of 53
Beta Member

Thanks @Joe , but there has got to be an easier way to get the 16 digit number without having to be on the desktop dashboard... 

Message 36 of 53

I called in today. Explained that I needed the unmasked gift card file.  They emailed me the same instructions. 
Go to reports. export. CSV gift card numbers.  Surprise.... the file isn't there.  Only Summary and detail.  Neither show the full number.  I also asked in one of the forums over a week ago with no reply.  Why is this so difficult?

Message 37 of 53

And here you are where they hope this dies instead of resolving it. 

Message 38 of 53

@Nostalgia Sorry to hear you're having trouble access the gift card numbers. There's a permission that needs to be manually enabled on your account that allows you to export those details. Reach back out to CS so they can make this change on your account. 


If you're still having trouble with CS, send me a private message with the advocate you spoke with. 


@mindfulmassage7 I'm not sure what you mean by they hope this dies instead of resolving it. You mind explaining your thoughts here?

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 39 of 53

Yes, bc I’ve contacted CS multiple times and spent hours on the phone with them, and they all say nothing can be done. They point you here for help and nothing gets resolved bc none of the solutions work. They won’t give you permission either to see the numbers. So you all need to get on the same page of what can be done, which apparently is nothing. 

Message 40 of 53

Okay, sorry you feel that way. Everyone on this forum - from our Sellers, to moderators and admin - are solution oriented and try hard to meet the needs of everyone's inquiries. Apologies if that hasn't been your experience thus far. 


Sometimes we get it right, and sometimes we miss. Nonetheless, I'll reach out to confirm if this policy changed recently unbeknownst to the Community Team. 


In the future, if you have an issue with the level of support you're receiving, our CS managers are always available to lend an ear. Hope you have a better day 🙂





Community Moderator, Square
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Message 41 of 53

Thanks but I’ve tried speaking to a manager and they won’t even let me. This forum is great but the solutions don’t exist that I’m given with gift certificates. I love everything about Square except GCs. Maybe you can bring it up to them because I’m not the only one complaining. 😕

Message 42 of 53