
How to get Square to STOP asking if I want two factor authentication

It's  beyond annoying that Square continues to ask me if I want to enable two -factor authentication to protect my account when I've already told it NO so many times.   This feature does NOT work when the owner is offsite and the code is sent to the shop phone instead of my phone.  How can I disable this??


Also, as general feedback, the captcha I keep getting when trying to log in on my iphone is also extremely annoying.  You can barely make out some of the photos and it wastes valuable time.

Message 1 of 34
2 Best Answers
Square Champion

Best Answer

@RoasterChicaYou can update your TFA call list on the dashboard: Account & Settings -> Account -> Personal Information. The 2-step verification section is in the middle of the page. Use the "Add SMS number" link to add numbers.


I do agree that the TFA nag is quite annoying, but I do believe it's for the right reasons: with all the financial information at our fingertips as merchants, we're an easy target for hackers. If they were to get in deep to the Square system through one of us not paying attention to security, can you imagine the damage they could do to every merchant on this network? *shudder*


Once your systems are configured correctly though (definitely check the updates!), the only time TFA comes into play is if one of your devices gets logged out after a 30 day window. If your devices stay logged in, you will have to play with the TFAs once in a blue moon.

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

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Message 4 of 34

Best Answer

Hi @scottiespizza,


Thanks for your feedback. I recommend a couple possible options for you:

  1. You can create a new Team Member account for your employees to use. As long as this account is not granted Full Access privileges, it will not see the 2-step verification prompt. They should be able to adjust fulfillment settings with this limited access team member account. (Recommended)
  2. If there are only a few employees that you trust with your owner account, you can have them add their phone numbers as valid 2-step verification numbers. So when they login, they can select their own number from a drop-down list, send the SMS code there and won't have to bother you.

Feel free to send me a private message if you have more specific questions on setting this up, I'm happy to help.




Mimi W.
Product Manager, Square
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Message 19 of 34

Please just let us have the option to get rid of it 100%. Perhaps have a check box that we accept the risk etc. 

Message 22 of 34

I am 100% with you on this.  My issue has been the same.  If I login and use TFA then it kicks the terminal off and they can't login without me sending them a code.  I'm already sick of having numerous accounts for numerous locations and businesses.  I shouldn't need to have so many work arounds for this stuff.  Just let me not use TFA.  It should be that simple.

Message 23 of 34

I found this old thread and I don't think it answered the question I have. HELP!! It keeps asking our staff (who know the password) to SET UP 2 Factor Authentication and they keep doing it using their personal cell phones so when I try to get on it sends a code to them. I keep re-setting it and disabling it BUT how do I stop them from asking everyone who logs in? I don't want any number other than mine ever used. Thank you 

Message 24 of 34
Square Champion

@westriv ;

I setup 2FA on my account. Now when I logged in on my Store computers it sent the code to my Cell, I entered the code and then I believe there was a Popup to see if I wanted to Remember this device.  I clicked Yes, and now the devices my staff uses or when I use it, I do not get the code sent to my cell, But I broke out an old computer and was sent the code to my phone.  I do not know if this is a new step or not, just stating that everytime I log in I do not get a Code even though I have it setup on my account.  Since my account is setup like this I am not able to see how I did this.

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Message 25 of 34
Square Champion

We just keep ignoring it because we do the most of our work on our laptop and frankly I have no idea how and what permissions everyone needs.

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Message 26 of 34
Square Community Moderator

Hi @westriv - Thanks for following up on this thread.

If you haven't already, I suggest looking over the reply from one of our Product Managers, @MimiW, which has been marked as the Best Answer to this question


I hope this is helpful but please do let me know if you have any additional questions.

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 27 of 34

Thanks. We don't want team members to have accounts. We just want when they sign in it won't let them set up TFA and lock us out unless they get a code on their cell phone. How hard would that be Square to do. Have a NEVER allow TFA unless it is the number on file with the account or just NEVER allow. Thanks


Message 28 of 34
Square Champion

@westrivI would recommend looking into device codes. This will make it so only you need the TFA if you're logging into an account, not your team.


In case of an accidental logout, you can have that specific device's code stored securely in your store. Your team just hits the "Use Device Code" link on the login screen instead of inputting your or their email and password.


In all truth, though, I'm curious as to why this is a thing: I leave my devices on and logged into my account 24/7. Even when I power cycle my systems it still leaves me logged in. And, on the off occasion Square does log me out--usually after a pretty significant update from what I can tell--as long as I've checked the "Remember for 90 days" box and it's been within that time frame, I'm not asked for the TFA check. I'd be interested to know what your procedures are that causes you to have to enter a TFA each time someone logs into your device? (Not snark, serious curiosity!)

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

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Message 29 of 34

No. Square doesn't get it.




2FA simply DOES NOT WORK for us. It never has, and it never will. We do not need to explain ourselves. Stop asking us about it, or we will find another provider.

Message 30 of 34

Echoing the choir here! 2FA is disruptive to my small non-profit! We lost thousands this afternoon because we cannot disable the prompt that asks you to enable 2FA when you log in. Someone enabled it and we didn't know until we opened up this morning and employees were being asked for the code! I'm the owner of the account so I was able to log in to the website to turn off 2FA but I am out of town and not at work so this is inconvenient! Right after I turned off 2FA, the next person logging in turned it on again! And of course we don't find out until the next person tries to log in! 

Part of the problem we have is that the employees keep enabling 2FA EVERY TIME THEY LOG IN! I don't know why they are logging out every day but they are either doing it themselves or square is logging them out of the device and then when they go to log in the next day, the code is being text to the last moron who turned on 2FA! If that person is not at work and not answering their phone, we are locked out of square and cannot take credit, debit, Apple Pay and cash app! It's bad enough the employees won't listen and keep turning on 2FA but now apparently square is just as complicit to the stupidity by not giving us the option to turn off the 2FA prompt completely? We can't use the square terminal because of the nature of our business, we work in the field at various locations we don't have an office or storefront. We are completely mobile and would have to buy multiple termination which just isn't worth the $$$ and I know the employees would find a way to eff that up too! (Last week we lost a brand new $60 contactless reader because someone thought that jamming a broken credit card inside of it was a good idea instead of manually entering the credit card number!!!). If we could just turn off the prompt, that would be great! Squares SMS is crap, I had to wait for a freaking security code just so I could order a new card reader and I never got the text with the code! So how can I trust that square will send the 2FA code every time one of the employees turns it on???? This is absurd. I do get an email when 2FA is enabled but I cannot be stalking my e-email 24/7 and turning off 2FA multiple times a day especially when I am off the clock! 

Message 31 of 34
Square Champion

Hey @Frustrated831 —


I hear ya about employees. I have a new dent on my office desk in the shape of my forehead from my current team. 

If you’re just talking about the POS app and not the dashboard, your solution would be Device Codes. Each employee gets a code they are responsible for, and when they log out for whatever stupid reason they fabricate this time, you just tell them to use their device code to log in again. If they don’t have their device code then, well, way to show up for a job unprepared! The only time TFA would need to be used is when you’re trying to log in to the dashboard on a browser. And even then if you allow cookies for your browser you’ll only have to use TFA once a quarter. 

TFA is actually a really important security setting for the higher-end financial and reporting data you get on the dashboard, and device codes reduces that pain on the per device level. Using device codes on a per-device level stops having to give out your password each and every time too. 

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
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Message 32 of 34

This still does not solve the problem. We use device codes. We do not have employees. We are a volunteer run non-profit. Eventually, somebody will not have one of these device codes, use the account credentials, and accidentally enable 2FA, thus locking out the rest of the organization.


As long as Square keeps nagging everyone to enable 2FA, we run the risk of suddenly and unexpectedly being locked out of the account.

I don't care of 2FA is "a really important security setting blah blah blah". I personally have 2FA on all my accounts. It's a great technology, but is just doesn't work for our organization this way. Its presence is costing us money, plain and simple.


Give us the option, put it behind a big red flashing warning banner, whatever they need to do to make sure we understand the risk. But provide the option to disable it.

Message 33 of 34

So the problem with device codes is that they are a temporary band aid for us. I could and probably will have the employees who regularly take payments set up a device code but thats just a bandaid because when someone else who isn't a payment taker steps in to cover (which is a regular occurrence) they will use our log-in credentials to log in on their device and turn on 2FA locking us out again. Apparently when 2FA was enabled last Sunday, it was kicking out everyone who was logged in.  I just happened to check my email at the same time our event was starting and saw the email saying 2FA was enabled and quickly turned it off but my coworkers who have no common sense managed to enable it another 3 times! 

Message 34 of 34