
Incomplete invoice

Hi, first off...I thoroughly enjoy my square app. However I am trying to figure out how I can set an invoice as "incomplete" until the order is filled. I send invoices to customers as payment in full is required prior to beginning their order, however once they're paid there isn't a way to track the incomplete invoice. Please help!! 

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Hey @creationsbylisa!


Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, the status of the Invoice is dependent on the payment status and there isn't a way to change it back to Pending once it's been paid off. This is definitely an interesting feature request though.


Based on your username, I'm going to assume that you're selling handmade products. If you don't mind me asking, are you looking to use it as a way for the customer to track the progress of the order or is it just for record keeping so that you have a paper trail that the order was fulfilled? If you fall into either category, one route you could take would be to look into our Online Store or our list of E-commerce partners. This would allow your customers to pay up front without you having to send an Invoice and you could then update the status of the order within your store once the order is complete. Some of the E-commerce options, including the Online Store, give you the choice to offer pickup as well.


If your sales are face to face, another - albeit less intuitive - option would be to send out email updates on the status of the order which would cover your bases as far as keeping your customers informed.


Hope this helps! If not, please let us know and we can keep trying to get you in the right direction. 🤙🏼

Puka - She/They
Seller Community UX Designer
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