
Feature Request: Automatically add a bottle deposit

Feature Request: Automatically add a bottle deposit

I found the feature has been requested, but it doesn’t seem like it has been implemented. Since it may have gotten lost in the shuffle, I’ve decided to bring it up again. It looks like it has been requested since at least May 2016.


If the cashier selects a soda bottle, can we have the ability to automatically select the 5 cent deposit, as a non-taxable add-on? We have many cashiers, and the line of customers is often long, and I don’t want to burden them with having to remember to select the deposit as a separate item.


Thank you for reading/listening :).


1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Feature Request: Automatically add a bottle deposit - or charge CRV in California

The title of this thread has been edited from the original: Bottle Deposit

We are opening a cidery and will be selling bottles of hard cider. In Iowa you have to charge a .05 bottle deposit. Is there a way to have this charge automatically added to the sale of a bottle without adding it to the price? i would like it to show on the receipt as a .05 deposit but not have to remember to add to each sale. I guess it would be like a tax but it isn't a percentage and I don't see where I can change a tax from percentage to $.

Thanks for any help.



The title of this thread has been edited from the original: Bottle Deposit

We are opening a cidery and will be selling bottles of hard cider. In Iowa you have to charge a .05 bottle deposit. Is there a way to have this charge automatically added to the sale of a bottle without adding it to the price? i would like it to show on the receipt as a .05 deposit but not have to remember to add to each sale. I guess it would be like a tax but it isn't a percentage and I don't see where I can change a tax from percentage to $.

Thanks for any help.



The simplest way to create a line item that is not its own item would be to set up a modifier set or price point for your bottle sales. By adding this, the Square Register will prompt your cashiers to add the $0.05 bottle deposit to each bottle sale with out having to go in and add a new item. 

How do you set up to charge crv for bottles or cans? I'm in California.

It isn't a tax, but it's mandatory. Can't figure it out. 


Any help would be appreciated. 

Super Seller

We add it to the cost of the item. The only thing mandatory about it in Hawaii is that the label says "Hi ¢5..." somewhere on it. Whether we charge for it or not, they don't really care. 

You could set up a new "item" and give it the value of California's CRV (without any tax). Each time someone purchases a compatible can or bottle, you ring them up for one CRV too. That way it'll show up on their receipt too. 

Thank you!

How do you get around Square automatically charging tax on top of the deposit amount? Ideally the item would be taxed then add the 5c as an untaxed additional charge. 

I set up the bottle deposit as an item and turned off the tax for that item. I can send a screen shot if you need it. 

We do the same thing, but our staff often miss entering the deposit on transactions because they have to do it manually. It would be amazing to have the two items (bottle + bottle deposit) linked! I was hoping for a workaround that would accomplish that, but it looks like we have the best system for now.  

I was having an issue with this but you can just create a modifier for the bottle deposit and then apply to the bottled beverages on your menu and the tax is customizable as well in the tax tab and then you have the option to turn it on or off for each item

I can select which beverages is taxable but if I have a beer that is taxable, the bottle deposit will get taxed. But the bottle deposit should never get taxed. I don't see any way around. Could you explain how you can select the tax of a mofifier ?