
Is there a way to set up a promotion like 'Buy $100 Gift Card, get a $15 promotional gift card'?

Is there any way to load two gift cards?


Want to give purchasers chance to get additional $15 in gift cards (separate card) for each $100 they purchase in gift cards.

Is there any way to do this?


Just add a second gift card as cash?

Do I also pay a percentage on gift cards purchases if the gift cards were purchased with cash or "promotional" money?


Message 1 of 2
Square Champion


1 do you need it to be a separate card?  that is costing you for the second card ($1 or so for the card) or you could just load $115 on a card that they pay $100 for.


2. you do not pay any fee to load or use a gift card that is purchased with cash or check, just if purchased with a credit card.


you can give a discount on the transaction for whatever you want, let's say you want a $50 gift card loaded but only want to charge $40.  you can load the gift card like normal for $50, then give a $10 discount and the transaction will only take place for $40 but the gift card will have $50 loaded onto it.

Message 2 of 2