
Is there any way to post-process transactions done using the device?

I want to process the transactions and drop them into a database in real time. Some sort of call-back function that sent the captured data on the fly so I could post-process it. I realize I could do this easily if I did the transactions manually using a web form, but I want to do it with transactions made using a device.

Message 1 of 6

Hey @CoCA, welcome to the seller community and thanks for bringing this up.


Are you referring to one of our API integrations or Point of Sale? Generally speaking, the ability to modify payment details is not available on any of our platforms.


You may want to check out Square Connect's Stack Overflow page. It's been a great resource for our developer community, and there's already a ton of questions that have been answered there.


If this doesn't clear things up, can you reply with a bit more information on what you're needing to accomplish? I'll be happy to raise your post to our API Team for another look.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
Find step-by-step help in our Support Center
Message 2 of 6

Tom - didn't you used to work at mySpace? Bet you never heard that one before...


Anyway, I don't want to modify the data. I just want to capture it.


We would use a Square device with the Square Point of Sale app, and everything would go through as usual. I just want to get a call-back somewhere with the data that was just transmitted, so that I can drop it into a database and keep track of sales on our end. I realize that you have an excellent dashboard already, but I want to combine this data, in real time, with other sources.


Is this possible?

Message 3 of 6

It appears that I might be able to do it through the API using a cron job. That would at least keep my up to date within one day...

Message 4 of 6

Hey @CoCA, thanks for your reply and sorry to keep you waiting!


Nice one—it's been a while since I've heard that line.😂 Blast from the past! I had to take a second to look up what MySpace Tom is doing these days and it looks like he's living the life.💯✈️🌎✌️📷


In any case, it sounds like you might have found your solution but let me run this by the API Team for more clarity. Appreciate your patience!

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
Find step-by-step help in our Support Center
Message 5 of 6

Update: yes, you're on the right track—you can request information from our API Endpoints. You can create a custom cron job to request the information as frequently as you need. Hope this helps clear things up.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
Find step-by-step help in our Support Center
Message 6 of 6