Beta Member

Item uploads

Is anyone else having a total nightmare with the online items and adding them to your catalogue of products. I've spent hours adding items only to get a stupid message telling me that I'm trying to update an out of date item, it then gives me no other option than to discard changes in order to get back to the item catalogue. When I check if my items have been added, they're all gone. ARGHHHH!!! I'm tearing my hair out.

Any suggestions?




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Hi @CathieLive thanks for flagging this. 


I'm sorry to hear about the trouble you're experiencing. It sounds frustrating.


To resolve this issue, you can try a few things:


  1. Clear your browser cache and cookies: Sometimes, issues like this can be caused by cached data in your browser. Clearing your cache and cookies might help

  2. Use a different web browser: Sometimes, switching to a different web browser can resolve compatibility issues. If you're using one browser, try another to see if the problem persists. We recommend Chrome. 

  3. If these steps don't help, please give our team a call directly, they can access your account to see if we can replicate the issue on our end. 

Hopefully we'll be able to get this resolved for you! 

Community Moderator, Ireland, Square
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