
Itemised sales via Virtual Dashboard missing for staff

Hi all,


We started moving from sharing an account to operate our square reader to setting up individual staff profiles. As we only have one reader, we were hoping to, for example, allow one team member to complete cash transactions via the virtual terminal, while another takes card payments on the reader via the POS app.

The issue we are encountering is that only the owner account can currently view items in the library to complete an itemised sale via the virtual terminal. Other staff do not have this option and can only enter a custom order amount. Staff are able to access the item library through the Square POS app.


Under team permissions > access points, โ€˜take itemised paymentsโ€™ and โ€˜access virtual dashboardโ€™ is enabled for staff. 

Would appreciate any help troubleshooting this!

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Thank you for your clear answer ๐Ÿ™‚



1. Access Rights: So the first issue I notice is that in Team Permissions, although โ€˜checkoutโ€™ is showing as active, the little toggle button is actually in โ€˜offโ€™ position and greyed out - and Iโ€™m unable to change it. 
As you can see, Virtual Terminal and itemised payments are enabled. 

2-3. Data Source & Sync: our item library was set up within the Square POS app and does not have an external data source, if that is what you mean. Otherwise, I am unsure how to check these and would appreciate further guidance.


4. Dashboard Settings: if youโ€™re referring to the Dashboard app, we havenโ€™t used it - I only use the online Dashboard. I had a dig around, but am unsure how to adjust any view options and would appreciate advice.


5. Software Updates: all up to date as far as I can tell. 

And thank you for 6 - I definitely will if it comes to it ๐Ÿ™‚

Really appreciate your time and response!

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I have some additional info.


So I logged in the test employee on the website and navigated to the Virtual Terminal > Take a Payment.


Oddly, itemised sale is possible if I switch to the desktop rather than mobile version of the site. 

Iโ€™m also seeing now that the owner account does not have items available. My guess is that the itemised sale options were popping up only when viewing the Virtual Terminal via my iPad rather than phone.


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Square Community Moderator

Hi @UnderdogKids, thank you for your post, and welcome to the Community!


As @SULINELANIE mentioned, processing an itemized sale on the Virtual Terminal on a phone is not currently possible. I also check on an iPad, and it isn't possible there either, so it seems to be a feature request. I've passed on your comment to our team for their consideration on the improvement of our interfaces. 


You'll still be able to take payment using the VT on a desktop as mentioned above, however. 

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