
Items vs. services and sales tax report not matching items sold



I've been trying to look at a report of my sales tax collected, and I have a couple issues. I am a stylist who doesn't do a lot of retail. So I have all my hair services under "services" and my retail items under "items." When I look at all items sold, it lists every single thing, all of my services AND retail products as an item. This makes it annoying to scroll through and find just my retail products sold?


Also, when I manually add up all the retail items sold vs. the sales tax report, it simply doesn't match. I have every retail product set to collect sales tax, but according to the reports I'm ~$50 short on products sold (and therefore tax collected). This isn't a massive deal, but I'd like to clean this all up and understand where the leak is?

Message 1 of 5
Square Community Moderator

Welcome to the Community, @hlhaavisto


Have you tried exporting the Item Sales report to help sort through items vs. sales? It would be an easier way to display the differences. 


Also, do you have any other taxes set up on your items that could be attached to services? 


I will keep an eye out for your reply👀

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 5

Hi, thanks!


I did export the report, but because the percentage of retail items to services is so small, searching through the spreadsheet was useless and I couldn't make the find function in Excel work for me.


I don't have any other taxes set up, as in my state services are not taxed, and I double checked to make sure it was only sales tax attached to the items.


I am probably moving toward not offering retail in person in 2023, so this may all be moot lol. Thanks for your help, though!

Message 3 of 5
Square Champion

Hi! I have definitely had this issue before as well - let me show you how to fix it.


1. Create categories. EX: SERVICES, RETAIL

2. Double check and make sure your hair services are under services, not items.

3. Go through your services and items and assign them to the proper category.


Doing it this way, makes it SO easy to review your reports. It'll show up as "count", how many were sold. And "gross", how much was paid.


Could the $50 short be a retail item you gave as a freebie for a birthday or a cancellation fee or a blowout you did for trade?


Unfortunately, the steps above won't change the previous reports, but it will definitely help you streamline future reports.


❤️ Emily

UV-Free Tanning Salon Owner, Northern California (Campbell)
Square Champion - Expert
Message 4 of 5

Hi, thanks for your response!


So I quickly the other day created a new category for my retail items and called it "sales tax," just to see. I suppose if it doesn't retroactively change the reports then this can't help much...


But my confusion really stems from the reports in general, I guess? I do have all my hair services under services and all my retail under items. I don't understand when looking at the report called "item sales" for the entire year of 2022 why every single thing is suddenly called an item? Including services? I would think there would be a services sales report and an items sales report. The category is called "uncategorized" and every single sale of a service or an item is listed there. If I try to filter by "item category" and then go to the sub-menu for "all item categories" the only option there is "uncategorized."


I do so little retail in person anyway I'm wanting to shift away from carrying it entirely, so I guess this doesn't matter much? I was just trying to find my (pretty small lol) sales tax collected total.


I think maybe I did just gift something somewhere, you're probably right.

Message 5 of 5