
Mobile Staff helping already has her own Square account. What should she do?

Can my friend, with her own Square account, have a second account (mine) on her device while helping me at the craft show?

Message 1 of 3
Square Champion

You can't have both accounts on the app at the same time, but yes you can have your friend sign out of her account and then give them your email address and password so they can sign in to your account (or you could sign in on their device for them if you don't want to share that info).


If she needs to take payments in her account and yours it is more complicated because you would have to switch back and forth and be aware of what account is currently signed in.

Message 2 of 3
Square Community Moderator

Hi @PrettyEggs


Your friend can have both a Mobile Staff account under your main Square account, as well as her own personal Square account, but she can't be signed in to both accounts at the same time. 


When you invite her to be a Mobile Staff of yours, you'll need to send her a Mobile Staff Invite to a different email address than the one she's currently using for her own personal Square account since you can only create one Square account per email address. 


As @VanKalkerFarms mentioned, she'll need to sign out of her personal account, and sign in to the Mobile Staff account using the Mobile Staff email/password combo. 

Message 3 of 3