
Appointments: I need features to better manage multiple location appointments

Appointments: I need features to better manage multiple location appointments

Appointments "requires" me to schedule myself to be at a specific location and time settings. 


This is counterproductive to having multiple locations. 


Why can't I just make myself available within certain hours and the system allow the customer to choose where we will meet? 

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Re: Appointments: I need features to better manage multiple location appointments

Hi @Agent


Thanks for taking the time to detail the types of Appointments features that would most useful to your specific business. I can definitely see where you are coming from given that you offer appointments at a variety of locations in a way that isn't specifically mobile. 

I've moved your posts to one thread so we can track this request.


The iOS app hides the ability to switch between multiple locations. You have to go to settings and "below" sign out there's an option to switch locations. 


This is frustrating, plus it makes me have to look at 2 calendars vs just 1 everyday. 


It would be nice if on the top filter button on the top left you could choose multiple locations so you can see all your appointments at once and eliminate the need to be switching back and forth in the settings

What are you guys doing to get around this limitation.


Inside of settings intead of having radio buttons to select multiple options on where to book appointments you are foced to choose one and one only


Where do you accept appointments?
At my business
At the customer's location
At both my business and the customer's location
Phone only
Why is each option absolute?
I was told to make a seperate location without an address (a mobile location) named "phone appontment" but this creates other issues and confusion. Plus the iOS doesn't support multiple locations as far as I can tell, so all the work was for nothing.
The app is important because due to restrictions squares site is blocked from our workstations so the app is the only way to go for my business

Hi @Agent


Thanks for taking the time to detail the types of Appointments features that would most useful to your specific business. I can definitely see where you are coming from given that you offer appointments at a variety of locations in a way that isn't specifically mobile. 

I've moved your posts to one thread so we can track this request.