

Hello, I have a few things that I need help with and after hours of searching and not finding the answer, I've decided to start a thread.


1st: I'm trying to add an option for one of my services so that I know what the client wants added to their service. For example there is a Hybrid Volume service with two variations; Regular, and Infill. However I would like for when they pick the regular (or infill) they can select the style they want e.g. - Cat Eye etc. 


2nd: I would like to change the information that the client puts when they are booking the service. They are currently only putting their name, phone, and email. However I would like for them to also be able to put their DOB. 


3rd: Is there a way to add like an introduction to the booking page. For example "Hi welcome to my page"


4th: Finally is there a way to automatically send a message to the clients provided number and email when they book?


Thank you in advanced x

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Square Champion

It sounds like you need to do what you want to do in the website editor area and not in the app


answer 1. set up a modifier option for your brows - make the choices so they can select what they want. You can also add different price variations to these modifiers. 

2 again in the website editor not in the app you need your clients to fill out a form - bottom left very bottom in website editor 


3. You get this with a weebly site and your services are listed underneath. 

4. A customer gets confirmation when they book but they have to agree to receive messages on the booking. 

I hope this might help a little. 


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