
Timecard Feature Requests - Search field, Sort by Location, Export Location data

1. Search box for employee names in the Timecard sections.

We have 100+ active employees at any given time, plus any inactive employees that worked during the date range. Scrolling through the list is inefficient with this many employees. Please add a search box alongside.


2. Ability to sort Timecards by Location.

It is possible to sort the Activity and Report views by almost every other filter - first name, last name, date, total hours, labor cost... why not Location?? 


3. Export Location data in Timecard export.

The CSV file created from the Timecard export excludes location data. I want to see total hours by location, if the employee worked at multiple locations. We allocate our labor hours/cost by location and many of our employees work in multiple locations. The CSV export is useless for our company without the location data, and manually editing the CSV afterwards is very inefficient (see 1 and 2 above). 


Bonus complaint - 

When the Timecard reports have a lot of data, the full report does not load initally. I have to scroll down to the bottom of the page and press "Show More Activity." Since we have so many employees/data, I have to do this 4 or 5 times before I can view all the all timecards.

If I click out of this page (for example, to edit an individual punch) from the Report, then I have to repeat the process all over again. So inefficient, so frustrating, huge waste of my time. 

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Hello @allison! Thank you very much for your detailed feedback and feature requests for Square Timecards. I will share this post with our Product Team who I know will be interested to hear about your experience. If any of these features do become available in future we'll announce it and update this thread. 


We work to improve features based on seller feedback like this so if you have any other thoughts please let us know! 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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