
Two Cash Drawers, One Till, Two different sales reports?

At our coffee shop we have a max of two employees working at once. They work on the same till, but use different cash drawers. On our current POS they can assigned themselves drawer 1 or drawer 2. Is there a way to run a report for seperate cash drawers with square? That way employee in drawer one counts their drawer and sets aside sales at the end of their shift, and employee in drawer two counts their sales at the end of their shift. We found this to be the easiest way to find out who is "short" cash if it ever happens.

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Super Seller Alumni

Not unless you have two separate Point of Sale setups.  If each has their own iPad they can share the same physical drawer, and it is possible to do an open/close drawer report at the end of there shift.  Or each has their owned iPad and drawer.   You can have just one iPad, one drawer and assign a drawer.  


Hope that helps and I was understanding what you were asking.

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