
Feature Request: Ability to add Videos to items

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Beta Member

Feature Request: Ability to add Videos to items

Adding 'How to' videos at the end of photos in an item

1 Verified Answer
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Feature Request: Ability to add Videos to items

Adding 'How to' videos at the end of photos in an item


Yes! It is crazy item listings do not support basic iframe video. Get with it Square Online, please. Every single e-commerce platform of note on earth allows this. 

How is this still an issue after 2 years. Seriously looking at moving away because of this lack of functionality.

Has this been added as a feature yet?  We need to add a short video to our items page!!! 

Beta Member

Video is basically required for customers to purchase now, so this feature needs to be expedited.  Particularly with all social media moving toward video content, buyers demand it.