
Feature Request: Allow staff to mark when they are not available + request time or days off

Feature Request: Allow staff to mark when they are not available + request time or days off

The title of this post has been edited from the original: New timecards - is there time off?



We are enjoying the new scheduling features on the Team App - but my staff need to be able to request specific days off - not just every Thursday. Or I need to be able to block "OFF" days with a specific date and time. Is this possible?

Beta Member

The title of this post has been edited from the original: Team Scheduling: Availability and not available


I am playing with the new team scheduling and it really looks great. I'm having an issue/concern with Availability. I think, in my opinion, it makes more sense to mark when NOT available. Otherwise, I or the employee would need to mark each day they are available and in our little ice cream shop that doesn't make a ton of sense. 


Anyone else thinking the same thing? 

Square Champion

@dkhtodd that makes a lot of sense to me. It's been my experience that the majority of my employees have a lot more Available time than Unavailable time. If they/us only had to input the not available times it would speed up the process.


Or better yet, as a part of the employee onboarding process, they have to enter each day's availability as part of their setup instead of it being optional? (At least I think it's optional...?)

Beta Member

We use a shift planning service called Humanity, so we were excited to see shift planning now available in Square Payroll.  Humanity has the ability for staff to request days off.  This is a very important feature that we use since we have a large team.  I understand that leave requests isn't currently available in shift planning, however will it be a feature soon?


I'm not seeing time off requests on the roadmap for the rest of this year but that can change in the upcoming quarters. We'll find you if anything changes. 



Square Community Moderator

Heya @spencerlynn,


From what I can see, there's no functionality for employees to be able to request time off in the Team app at this time.


There's a way to swap shifts or open them up for other employees to swap listed here in this Support Center article but that's the only thing at this time.


We can tag this post as a feature request and other sellers can chime in if they're looking for the same feature so we can track!

Beta Member

It would be great if Square would allow team members to request specific dates off. Right now it looks like they can only set their schedule by week. We have to track our time off requests separately.  So if an employee requests a day off 3 weeks from now there is no way to mark that date unavailable in square. 

After switching to the Square Team App from another scheduling app, my employees and I all wish the timecards had some of the features of the other app. Predominantly the ability to request time off (for vacation, sick day, etc.) rather than just block off a particular day of the week. This feature, along with more administrative features would ensure we keep using this app rather than switching to one with the features we need.

Yes, this! Wishing we had the option for them to say I'm not available 

I agree with this. Setting their availability is confusing because it was just a one time thing, which doesn't work for us who hire RN's who work elsewhere with a rotating shift. Being able to input when they're not available would be beneficial! 

I understand how, using the Timecards scheduling feature, employees can set their Availability, pick-up Open Shifts, and Trade Shifts -- but, how do employees request a day (or extended days) off for unpaid time off?  How do they request both PTO and unpaid time off?