
Feature Request: Allow staff to view their credit card tips without viewing all other reports

Feature Request: Allow staff to view their credit card tips without viewing all other reports

This reply was created from an existing thread: We need a report that shows just the tips earned during a shift that employees can access


We need a report that shows just the tips earned during a shift that employees can access. The new report interface has way too much sensitive information that employees are able to easily access when checking for their tip total. 


I really wish you all would have solved the tip report issue that users have been asking for years instead of spending the time to replicate an online report onto the app. 

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Improvements to the Sales Report in the Square Point of Sale App

@Crosscut I moved your post from this Product Update post.


The Team Management team is actively working to improve this based on the feedback we've heard from sellers. 


In the meantime, as a workaround you can prevent employees from viewing the sales report by unchecking the View Reports permission from the Team Permission/other Team Management role you're using. But that would prevent employees from seeing all reports from your device.


Another option, if you have mobile cashiers, is to give your team members the View all Transactions permission insteadThat way they will only see their own sales from the Transactions section of the app (and they won't be able to see anything from the Sales Report section). It's not a report, but it might help your team to keep track of their sales. 


If you have any questions about this please let me know, or don't hesitate to call our CS team who can help answer account-specific questions

Verified Answer

Re: Credit Card Tips / Reports Privacy

@STBCC Not yet but we are still tracking this feature request, I can see how it would be useful! For now you can view tips from the Employee Sales Report or Transactions section of your online Square Dashboard.

Beta Member

Hey @pacificoath 


I'm not sure how your business is set up in terms of devices, locations etc.  But lets say for example you have 1 shop with 1 device and all of your team members use it.  if you log in on that device with your Administrator account (the one your signed up for square with), your employees will have access to everything. So you need to make that device a team member. 


First you'll need to log into your dashboard on your desktop, click "TEAM" and then "CREATE TEAM MEMBER" .  name your team member "SHOP_1" for example.  Very important, SHOP_1 will need a unique email address, so go to gmail and create a new email, "SHOP_1@gmail.com".  Use this email when creating your team member (which remember is really just your device, not an actual person--sidenote, if your employees use their own phones to run transactions then they can use their own emails etc which makes this whole process a lot easier).


Once you have your "SHOP_1" team member created, Click it from the team menu, scroll down to "PERMISSIONS" and click "EDIT." from there you can turn off transactions, reports etc.


Hope this helps.



Beta Member

Oh @pacificoath 


And of course last step you need to log out of your device with your master account and log back into that team member device with "SHOP_1@gmail.com"  

Have you found a solution for this?  We have the same need.

@Helen @booc @SoulSurfer 


Has a solution been found to this? We are new with Square and are very frustrated to find the amount of financial data employees have access to. I would like them to only be able to see their current day sales, but it seems that they either have access to all employee all location all the time sales breakdowns, or nothing at all. This seems like a very easy function to offer and would be necessary for almost all users with staff. 

I would like to let team members see their daily tips without giving them access to all the numbers for the day week month

Square Community Moderator

Hey @Joebrews and welcome to the Community.


I moved your post to an existing feature request thread for this where it's being tracked.

Check out the answers above for details.


In the future, don't hesitate to search your question first here or on the Support Center for your quickest answer too!

My employees get tips from credit card transactions at our Square POS.

At the end of the day, they review a report under team sales to see what their total tips were and then get those in cash. (We use the same report to plug those numbers into Square Payroll later).

It is a handy tool, but they can all see what amount of tips each other got.

Which can be kind of awkward.

Is there a way for them to retrieve only their own tip totals and not see everyone else's?

