
Feature Request: Bundle items as a single item, pull from inventory individually - combo/combination

Feature Request: Bundle items as a single item, pull from inventory individually - combo/combination

The title of this post has been edited from the original: Inventory: Can you bundle items together as a single item or special?


We have multiple products for the same price.   We offer a 3 for $20 special, which is a mix & match of any three products.   How do I handle the inventory count?   Do I need to add each item with the discounted amount, so at check out I would have to select three discounted items?   Or do I add each item at the regular amount and apply an overall discount?

3 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Is there a way to create a Gift Basket, to be sold as one item, pulling numerous items from s...

Hey @FurnishbyIsa and welcome to the Community!

This isn't something we offer at this time. 


This would be a feature request we can pass up but I haven't seen any other requests for this yet. Hopefully other sellers who are looking for this can add onto the thread!

Verified Answer

Re: Can square reduce inventory of two different items sold as one?

Hi there!


Unfortunately for bundle created items that combine two separate items together will not reduce your inventory for each. 


What you can do is create a discount and apply it to the sale when both items are purchased together.

This will reduce your inventory and also reduce the price to the amount that you like. 

Verified Answer

Re: How to track inventory with a mix & match 3 for $20 special?

Hey @Baconation, thanks for surfacing!


I can see how this would be a bit tricky for your 3-for-$20 special, especially since inventory is a high priority.


Depending on how you need to track your items, I have three suggestions:


  1. Add each item individually to the sale, then apply an overall discount.
    Pro: Allows you to track the inventory for each item regardless of being part of the special.
    Con: You would have to ring up the 3-for-$20 special as a separate transaction. Otherwise, the discount will apply to the entire sale.
  2. Add each item individually to the sale, then apply the discount to each of the three items.
    Pro: Allows you to track inventory for each item regardless of being part of the special and ring up additional items in a single transaction.
    Con: More of a manual process that may increase the length of time to complete a sale.
  3. Create a "3-for-$20 Special" item.
    Pro: It's fast and since the price would be locked, you can add it to a sale with other items.
    Con: You wouldn't be able to track each individual item within included with the "3-for-$20 Special" item.

I understand how automating this would be super helpful for your business and I'll be sure to share your experience with our product liaison team. 


Find step-by-steps on applying discounts in our Support Center.


Hope this helps clear things up for now. Please let me know if you have any further questions!


Hey @MykGio! We don't have a way to track supplies. Justin talks more on that in this thread.


But you can track labor. Check out this thread and let me know if you have additional questions!

Beta Member

I am trying to find a way to track my inventory better in regards to bundles & combos.  We currently sell various combos but I lose all track of inventory of the items included in the combos.    To expedite checkout we made the combo there own sku but now I can't track those items in inventory.


For example we sell two types of combos

1. coffee & muffin - how can I set it up so I can track the actual type of muffin sold, my current set up only shows a muffin sold but does not give any detail (type of muffin) & my muffin inventory never gets adjusted because the combo has its own sku, in the combo the items are discounted so ringing them up separately will not give correct price.  Any suggestions?


2. deli meat & vegetable combo - what is the best way to set up in square so I can track my inventory and ring up the sale quickly.  When ordering a combo here there are probably 5 different meats to choose from & 10 different sides that can go into a combo, each of these items needs to be weighed on the scale to come up with a price.  To make checkout easier we created one sku for combo and one average price but we have no way of tracking the inventory of all the different meats & sides?   Does square have way of handling the combos & keeping track of actual inventory?  Any suggestions?  Thanks!


It would be great if square had the ability to set up bundles/combos that actually adjusted the inventory of the items included in the bundle/combo.  Does anyone have any solutions to tracking bundles/combo in square?  

I would like this feature as well to better manage my inventory 

The other issue Square has not addressed is the bundles. Here's an example:


1. Choose one of 3 face masks

2. Choose one of two foot masks

3. Massage oil

4. CBD tincture

5 CBD Chocolates

6. CBD Bath Bomb


I currently have either not track inventory, enter three different scents (face masks) as the same scent or enter it as an item and not allow mix and match. It seems bundles would be something that would be addressed. 

Square Community Moderator

Hello @Grassroots1 - Thanks for providing such detailed information on what you are trying to accomplish with your items and inventory. This is a feature request that many sellers have been asking for as you can see in this thread. I would love to provide more insight, however, we don't have an update as to when this will be available but will make sure to update you here in our Seller Community. 


Let me know if you have any other questions. 

This would be a great option. Especially since we sell Native Plants at our facility and would love to build packages for different types of plants. Having it automatically adjust inventory counts would save time, energy, and money.

We are also having this issue at our store. Have you found any work arounds or updates to this @Dchutuk?

I am trying to figure out an inventory issue. Say you offer a burger combo with fries and a drink. The burger, the fries, and the drink are inventoried items. When setting the item up I can’t figure out how to make the second two items come out of inventory. I create a burger and add fries and soft drink choices as modifiers or variations but when you choose a coke it doesn’t come out of coke inventory. 

Square Champion

@allen1177 Currently modifier sales are not able to be calculated as an inventory item in square.  The best way to look at it is each item or each variation can have an inventory value.  So you can do this in a couple of different ways.  I personally just run a modifier sales report if I want to rough look at how much I am selling.


1.  Set up a burger item, fry item, bottle drink coke item.  Then set up a combo discount if you want to make it a special deal that will apply an amount discount like .50.  You have to ring in each item and hit the discount (more tedious) but this allows you track the inventory of each item.


2.  Set up an item with sandwich only variation, then with fries variation, and then combo with each drink you offer.  While this may take a little time to set up you can effectively count inventory a little more detailed.  The caveat is that a burger and a burger with fries are 2 different inventory tracks.


If you are monitoring inventory because you need to be able to mark items sold out online then option 1 really is the best way to go.  If you want to track if someone is stealing a bottle of coke, then you can run the modifier sales report and use it with the following formula: (Beginning Inventory + Purchases) - (individual sales + modifier sales) = Ending Inventory.


I hope this helps or at least gives you some insight to figure out what level of reporting you really need.  I try not to get bogged down into getting too detailed.  I treat all my fountain sales as 1 item and all my bottles as 1 item for inventory purposes as the cost is the same whether they buy a coke or sprite.



It would be nice if Square would respond to this question.