
How do I delete a location?

How do I delete a location?

How do I delete a location that is inactive?


2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: How do I delete a location?

I am frustrated with the location option. I am the owner and some how I am listed as the location. Now I cannot see my inventory or update my inventory. I am afraid to deactivate location for myself because I am concerned I may lose everything. All I want to do is see my inventory and update it.

Verified Answer

Re: How do I delete a location?

While we don't currently offer the ability to delete a location completely, you are able to deactivate any of your locations directly from your Square Dashboard. You can also reactivate your location at anytime, so you don't have to worry about accidentally disabling a location. 


I'll be sure to send your feedback about having this functionality over to our Product Liaison Team. 


I too was "experimenting" with locations and am now stuck.  I will no longer try extra features without contacting Square first to determine the consequences. Which means I won't try anything unless I can set aside the time and energy!


Lol - I had to select a location to add this reply, even though all but one are deactivated. 

I am replying to the most recent post on this topic to see if there have been any updates/progress. I too fell victim to experimenting with the locations and completely regret it. Now, somehow I have half of my inventory under the location that I "deactivated" and I cannot seem to get everything under the one and only true location. When my business partner runs a transaction, it goes under the deactivated location, EVEN though when I go to that item from the dashboard, it says that it is assigned to the actual location that is activated. SO, SQUARE...if you are reading this, please advise. I think it is beyond ridiculous that it has been 3 years since the original request and this issue has not been resolved. You know that people have invested time and money and more than likely cannot afford to make a switch to a different platform. Well, now with Paypal and even Quickbooks having their own point of sales and small mobile capabilities, you better get your stuff together because as I go to scale my business, I need a company that is on top of the software issues. Again, please advise. If there is a solution that I am missing, I would love to know what it is. 

This reply created from merging an existing thread: "Delete Locations?" The author has been notified via email.


I made a mistake by adding a second location and I've just created confusion. I'd like to delete both locations and start over. How do I delete (not just deactivate) locations?

Please give us the feature to delete a location. It's annoying that I always have to select it while using almost every other feature. I don't know how simple it is to allow this feature, but it seems to me that 3 years should be enough time to give it to us.

How do you delete location? I already deactivated it.

Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @abrown3026 - thanks for adding your question here on the Seller Community!


I've gone ahead and merged your post with a similar thread of Sellers asking this same question. I would take a look at Kelly's Best Answer for help with your question.


Let me know if you have any questions!



I just got an email from Square saying that there is now a "Best Answer"... how is this (we've been working on it for years and still haven't fixed it) a best answer?  Why is this so hard to do?

I periodically get emails regarding this issue as additional people run into it.


So in 3 and a half years we are still here, the best answer being from 5/2016. The best part is in order to login to make this comment I had to go through the extra step of selecting a location! 


So when you click on the best answer link it takes you here and asks for a login. What'sup with that? Looks phishy to me:




for anyone not wanting to go to that link here is a link to the current best (and unsatisfactory) answer. 




I am hesitant to experiment with adding other Square services.

Square Community Moderator

Hey @brick and @ThreePineHill thanks for reaching out on here and expressing your frustrations in the turn around time of this feature request. As you can see, it is a very popular one, as we have been tracking it for some time. 


I hear you - it would be super convenient to be able to delete a location, but the main problem with this, which is in large part contributing to some of the time this is taking, is that we have to consider and prevent the deletion of transactions and any payment history. As a finances based company, we have a lot of laws and liabilities to consider when releasing a feature request such as this. How active was this location before it was deleted? What information needs to be saved from this location so we meet security measures? We need to make sure all bases are covered before possible transaction information is "Deleted" with the location.


Not only this, but we also have to consider subscriptions, and any past activity on the location outside of finances. Subscriptions would be an easier solution, but what if a location is accidentally deleted and the seller desperately needs that item library again?


Again, I hear you that this would be a very useful feature should it be released. I agree that it will simplify and better organize many accounts, but at this time, it is still something we are tracking.

Thank you Ashley - that's the "best answer" to date.  Perhaps not the one we're all looking for, but that makes sense and at least provides more context other than "we're working on it".  So thank you for that.  That being said, most of us just created a second location for various testing purposes and the data set within that location is null.  It'd be nice if there was perhaps a method to test / validate completely empty locations to allow those to be deleted - even it if required some manual review process for fiduciary reasons and compliance.  Just a thought.