
Is there a way to import items with vendor and vendor code?

Is there a way to import items with vendor and vendor code?

I have a spreadsheet that has my vendor info as well as their code (product number).  Unfortunately the template that you download from the Square Item management page does not include this information.  Is there a way to do this; i.e add a vendor and vendor code column?

Beta Member

ok i do see the vendor code column on the pdf of the po. ive been just looking around nd putting some items in seeing if and how the app will work for us. is there a way to bulk import vendor codes from a csv file for all the products? 


Hey @Thegrooveshack!


Yes. You can add multiple vendors, or a single vendor to multiple items quickly and easily by bulk importing an Excel or CSV file from your item library.


Here's the instructions on how to do so:


  1. Visit Items in your online Square Dashboard.
  2. Click Actions > Import at the top-right of the page.
  3. Select Modify Item Library to add new items and update existing items, or Replace Item Library to delete all existing items and replace them with your uploaded items.
  4. Click Next > “Download our template file.” Select if you’d like to download the template in Excel (.xlsx), which is recommended for most users, or CSV.
  5. Open the “catalog-YYYY-MM-DD-XXXX.xlsx or .csv” file saved to your computer in step 4 using Excel (.xlsx) or another spreadsheet program.
  6. In the Default Vendor Name column, add the applicable vendor for each item. You can copy and paste an existing vendor name to update the default vendor associated with an item variation*, or create a new vendor on the spot.
  7. Save the edited Excel (.xlsx) or CSV file to your computer.
  8. Drag and drop the Excel (.xlsx) or CSV file into the upload area or click “select it from your computer” > Upload.
  9. Review your changes and click Confirm Import to upload your new item library.

Please let me know if you have any questions about this, or give us a call to speak directly with the Square for Retail Team. 

Beta Member

i think you misunderstood my question. is there a way to bulk import vendor codes for products since its on a seperate screen than the rest of the product information? opening each product up in a seperate screen just to put in 1 piece of info is kind of a pain. any chance they could make it so that field is with the rest of the product info?


Hey @Thegrooveshack


Sorry about that. Ultimately, at this time there is not a way to import  Vendor codes. The only way to update this information is the way you are currently doing it.


Hopefully this will be a feature available in the future. Thank you for resurfacing this feature request. We will post updates in our Seller Community when this feature becomes available. 

I second this feature request for more visible / accesible vendor codes.  Right now a lot our Variation names are vendor codes mixed with text Item # A9456 (Blue), for example, but it would be nice to have these split apart so the variation could be something meaningful to us, but the retain the vendor code in a different column.  A batch upload, or having the vendor code in the item export would be EXTREMELY helpful

Beta Member

Is there a more current thread anywhere with information about vendor codes and their usefulness in Square for Retail? Everything I'm finding so far is old. I've seen lots of requests for making this a searchable feature. I'm still adding vendor codes to the name of the item which looks so tacky in my online store and isn't necessarily information I really want accessible to my customers.