
An Automatic Gratuity / Tip button for Point of Sale app would be great, please

An Automatic Gratuity / Tip button for Point of Sale app would be great, please

We add a mandatory 18% gratuity to all large parties in the restaurant, but there's no easy way to do this without getting out a calculator and doing the math (horror!) manually. 


I tried creating a new "tax" of 18%, but it only half-works. On the plus side, it automatically calculates what 18% of the bill would be. But on the minus side, it's listed on the customer receipt as "tax," which is a deal-breaker. 


For now, we define an item called "Gratuity" with an undefined price/percentage and then calculate it manually for every bill as described above. It's error-prone and time-consuming, both bad things. Surely Square Register is smart enough to figure out the tip on its own? 


1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: Automatic tip for parties of 6+

@MR_Cltuch @Gam1 I just wanted to let you know that automatic gratuity based on the number of guests at a table is currently available with Square Restaurants. Square for Restaurants is a separate app to the Point of Sale app and it's free to try for 30 days. There's more information about automatic gratuity and other check management features with Square for Restaurants in our Support Center too! 



Square Community Moderator

Hi @Sammiestrand,


Thanks for writing in! Check out Square for Restaurants, which has an automatic gratuity option.