
Custom booking questions and fields?

Custom booking questions and fields?

I'm a bit surprised this doesn't seem to be possible. I just started a small tutoring/academic coaching business and I need to know whether the students are over 18 or not. Ultimately, it's a bit of an honor system thing, but not being able to ask for a parent's name is going to cause problems over the long term for things like processing credit cards and just knowing if the person that I'm scheduling is even legally allowed to enter into a contract or use a credit card.

3 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: How to add required custom fields for appointments?

Hey @TrinityTreasure, welcome to the seller community and thanks for bringing this up.


I went to check on this and the ability to add customized fields to the booking flow is not available at this time. I can see how this feature would streamline the check-in process for a wide variety of sellers. For now, you may need to verify additional details outside of the app.


We'll circle back with any other developments or solutions as they become available. Please let us know if you have any other questions in the meantime!

Verified Answer

Re: Custom booking questions?

Hi @Thomas2


Welcome to the Seller Community!


Custom booking questions or fields when your customers book appointments is definitely one of the more popular feature requests we've seen. 


Our Product Team is currently tracking this, and your personal use case for age limits is one that I haven't seen before, so thanks for sharing your feedback! Hopefully our Product Team can come up with a solution for this in the near future. 


Currently, the best workaround to collect additional information is to request that it be provided in the appointment notes when they book. Here's a screenshot from the customer booking side for reference: 



You can add instructions to indicate if they're 18+, and if not, to provide their parents name in the Service Description field so your clients can see it when they book. Here's another screenshot of the Service Description section: 



Hopefully one of your fellow sellers can chime in with a workaround that they currently use for their business. 


Let me know if you have any other questions 👍🏼

Verified Answer

Re: Customize Appointments form

Hi there, and welcome to the Seller Community!


I know it's pretty generic, but there currently isn’t a way to add custom fields to your online booking site, but this is a popular feature request the Appointments team is tracking.


What would be the reasoning behind changing the "How do we say hello?" section? Our Product Team would love to hear the feedback. 


That's a great question. I'm a freelance hairstylist, so Im the only person in my company.  However, on the booking page their an entire section the says "STAFF"...but its just me!  Is there a way to remove the Staff section or rename it to something more fitting like  "Meet Your Stylist"

Wow, I can see how that would be fustrating.  I know square allows us to customize confirmation email/text and reminder emails. Have you tried including that important information in emails or texts? 


If not, you can edit messages to the client here: https://squareup.com/appointments/business/client_relations

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Clients answers questions before booking!

Would love it if I could ask certain questions to clients before they schedule their booking with me. They would be qualifying questions as well as further contact details such as Skype user name.


This would make the new appointment feature AMAZZZZINGG!




Thank you @anthonyr! I'll share your request with the Appointments team, I hope EJ's workaround is helpful in the meantime! 

I have additional information fields in my customer's profile.  Is there anyway that I can ask for 2 of those additional fields to show up on the calendar.   For instance, Owner's name, Dog's name and Dog breed.

I added additional customer information fields on the desktop in my square account.  Now when I'm trying to see those additional fields on the ipad where I made the appointments and check people out, I can't see those fields????  What do I need to change in order to see that?  I see on the desktop version they are considered Customers, on the ipad version they are considered clients.

Square Community Moderator

Hi @aquatherapups


I've moved your post over to this existing thread that our Appointments team is keeping an eye on. 


It's still something that we're working to advocate for and prioritize, but hopefully with increased interest we can get something rolled out to help with this. 

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Add Custom Questions to Booking Appointments




I am looking for the ability to add custom questions in addition to the current questions as well as make them required or not.


I am a home Inspector and it would be super useful to add a section that asks who will be attending in a checkbox format. Making this or other questions required would reduce the surprise of more than two people showing up for the inspection.


Hello @edugal! This is a request that that Appointments team is tracking in this thread. I've added a workaround in the post just above, which I hope helps in the meantime.


If it's possible to add custom questions to Square Appointments we'll let you know! 

Beta Member

For $30/month where can I add customer questions to the booking tool?? I need to verify age, and at least 10 other intake questions when booking, some are Y/N, some have multiple options to select answers, etc.  How do I do this? I'm bringing my resources to Square from Acuity Scheduling which is a free service. I'd love to centralize all of my business needs vs using multiple platforms.